NotAlone wrote on 02 Nov 2009 03:32:
Yes, 7up, you are right, it is not easy.
But unfortunately, I'm one of the younger generation, who's grown up with everything being easy and convenient. Every time I take upon myself to complete a difficult task, I feel disheartened, and I cannot complete it if I believe that it is truly difficult.
So I analyze it, and break it up into bite-size chunks, and consider each.
"Is not watching p*** or m* easy? No! How can I ever accomplish it?"
"Wait, is closing the browser easy?"
"Yep, just hit the little x."
"Is shutting the computer easy?"
"Yep. Hit shut down."
"Is looking away easy?"
"Yep, just turn your head."
And so forth. Little actions that I believe I can accomplish.
Then I take them and add them up. Easy! I can do this!
If I let myself believe that what I'm doing is difficult, I will give up.
So I have to keep breaking things up, and convincing myself that what I'm doing is doable, and thereby doing it.
It's a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.
Well, for one of the younger generation, you seem to have your head on straight!
Not only have you discovered the dragon of this dor, but even found a way to get around him!
Your game plan is a good one, well thought out and do-able.
Trust yourself,
And keep posting each little step!