dd wrote:
i browsed and things like that but no porn or masturbation
I'm a lust addict.
Lust in its many forms is my preferred escape from the discomforts of life.
Now I'm clean and in recovery. I know that I cannot afford to toy with anything connected with lust, or anything that can lead me to pornography -- like looking at mainstream magazines or surfing websites with pictures of clothed women. I'm sick, so I need to keep far away. Or eventually it will catch me and take me back down into the pit.
I also know that I need to enjoy real life. And I need to have meaningful friendships and spend time with friends outside of the bais medrish.
My friend, get up. Today is day one. Feeling guilty or depressed isn't helpful (except to the Y"H). Make a new commitment. Set new gedarim.
Yerida l'tzorich aliya. Naaleh!