workingonteshuvah wrote:
From a halachic perspective, if one is going to spill their seed, is it worse if they masturbate to porn, verses thinking about intimacy with wife, or doing other things like laying in bed a certain way that will cause ejaculation? Are there ways of doing this that are less problem, as far as punishment and offense? Is it worse to use your hand or not, etc? I know all is assur. But if one is going to do it anyway...
For a halachik perspective, you need to ask a rav, not anonymous sex addicts. As sex addicts, we can tell you that all the aforementioned activities will ultimately make you miserable, and have other terrible side effects, such as loss of apetite, depression, divorce, loss of job, public embarrassment, etc. etc.
c'mon workingonteshuva, you can do better. Many addicts have found freedom. You can too. Don't worry about "getting the lesser punishment". Do the work one day at a time to be free and don't look back, just ahead.
oh, and WELCOME, if I did not welcome you yet. This is a great place and many people have found freedom from their addiction.
Take a look in the eBooks section for the GYE materials and keep posting and reading the forum. There is a lot of good information and tools to help. There are a lot of great people here too.
Stick around!