I dont know if you have noticed this guys, but here's what G-d gave me in shacharit this morning.
The yetzer hara is here for us. He helps us go closer to Hashem Yitbarach. We are at war with the y'h, right? So why do battles happen? Battles in life, between people and nations. They don't happen for no reason. They happen because something has to change. After every battle nothing stays the same, a change happens. The earth is destroyed, buildings are demolished, and one of the sides is weakened, while the other is strengthened. This is the result of this kind of battle.
Now the good thing with our battle is that we have only one enemy. And that we are the good and he is the bad. He hates us and attacks us because we are G-d's people.
As time goes by and we b'H win battle after battle, his strength diminishes. This is a principle G-d put into nature. When the y'h comes i believe he (y'h) actually doesn't want us to see things like that. This is our chance to climb higher, to go further. Without it we couldn't prove to Hashem Yitbarach how devoted we are to Him, how faithful we are to Him, how much we love Him. I believe that G-d sends us this tests so that we could benefit from it. Because after the war has ended there is something new for the winner, whether it's land, captives, material possesions etc. It's the same with us in our battle.
How do we fight it? We could be like David hamelech, David avinu, who with his sword fought the battles and gave the credit to Hashem, or we could do it with prayer and give the credit to Hashem, or we could just go to sleep and leave all in the hands of "the L-RD strong and mighty the L-RD mighty in battle" (Ps.24:8). The fight is the L-RD's.
So the next time the y'h comes he is actually saying to you "Hey... pssst... i don't want you to know that, but G-d sent me so you can show Him how much you love Him, this is your chance now so you better not waste it, because I WOULD COME AGAIN AND AGAIN until you finally beat me"
So if G-d has sent this enemy at our lines, we should turn to G-d and use Him, for only He can give us the victory. So again, chevra, don't be despaired, we have HaKadosh Baruch Hu on our side. Lo levad.
So to summarize:
1)Use the y'h to get closer to Hashem.
2)Use Hashem to defeat the y'h.