Ah ha! I knew we had a lofty lofty soul masquerading under the name. "Nishmas"
I think I only found one phrase of Bakosha (at least in my Nusach), that of "V'Al Tietishainu Hashem Elokeinu Lanetzach"
U probaly heard the pshat of the great Gaon of Vilna! What do you say? You didn't hear it!
Ok; no problemo. I will share it with you
Here is a Jew, overwhelmed with worry and anxiety about his future! "Oy oy what's gonna be" says he! The girls to marry off won't be! The mortgage payment I cannot see! The YH to overcome, before I'm mince meat" oy oy"
So we say to him "sweet sweet holy yiddele" pray tell us "how did you get here up till now? who made your mortgage payment until this day?" Your YH to overcome, who made childs play?!!!
"Ad heina azurono rachamechu" up till now it was only Your compassion Hashem, and Your kindness never left us Hashem!!
Now we know that past performance is indicative to future performance "al tidsheinu Hashem Elokainu lnetzach" Hashem our G-d will not forsake me in all my worries big and small, for all eternity!!
Very encouraging! Especially for us "warriors" and "worriers"
Boundless love to holy brother Nishmas and to all the tzadikim on this holy site