Oh, sorry for being unclear, RT. I was referring to your klerring whether Chaza"l matir'd the farmer being mamesh oisek in the mating of the animals....then TZ pointed out that this is exactly what the heter is about....then you klerred further if this applies today (I assume you mean because we are now in a lower madreigo). And all I meant was, "is all this klerring because you personally have a
lemayseh shayloh right now?" I doubt you are a farmer and really want to know what to do with your cows.
If that assumption is correct, then I relate to this type of investigation as "Toirah hee v'lilmod ani tzorich!" So I brought an example of how that concept - although true - is very limited in its application....like R' Akivah and that very strange mayseh (I assume you know the mayseh I am referring to) that no posek (nor
any frum yid) today would
ever think to matir c"v.
So I was suggesting you in my 'funny' way, to consider dropping that line of questioning.
You see,
before I finally started being sober, I became a 'resident expert' on the pratei halachos of sexual behaviors that were assur and mutar between husband and wife. It was learning, right? ....and it was also complete, horrible poison. I believe it was also completely assur
for me to do, as well. It turned some really nice Torah sheb'al Peh into porn. Because it sucked my mind into the issue. Yes, I eventually came to see that it was all just plain porn
for me. And
for me, it still is, I assume. Porn in Hebrew, Yiddish or even mit a shtra'amle is still just porn. And I have learned that I am not alone in this among you fine b'nei Torah.
Many have horveh'd in that particular aspect of Halocha and mussar. Nu. We tried, each in his own way, to escape. No escape, even into Halocha.
And I
further rationalized that my study was actually gonna
help me because R' Yisroel Salanter wrote that one of the best ways to be saved from weakness in a certain area is to learn the Torah about that area very well. Well, I guess he meant Seder Nashim
in general...not halachos of sex with women! Kind of obvious, no? Gevalt, if only I had the '5th chelek' of Shulchan Aruch a bit earlier...called common sense.
Nahh, I just wasn't ready to hear it anyway. I just wanted the excitement of reading the shaylos utshuvos that would matir the derails I wanted!
B'H those
curious days are over (for today).
I love you RT (and MT) and wish you ah Giteh voch!! (and everyone else here)