sturggle wrote on 23 Sep 2009 06:14:
you see, i was thinking while davening on R"H that I can daven for plenty, but how many zchuyos do I have?
Do I really want HKB"H to grant me all these little things? Am I deserving of them? Honestly, I may not be.
Our forefathers at numerous times expressed fear or concern, because they thought they might not have zchuyos left.
Who am I to be asking HKB"H for so much so many times?
Also, do I know what's good for me?
HKB"H knows what's good for me. Maybe it's supposed to rain on my head and I am supposed to get drenched for some reason I may never understand. Maybe I'm not supposed to get this job. I feel and think that it might be more appropriate for me to turn to HKB"H and ask for whatever He knows is best for me. I don't want to sound haughty and make like I'm the one who knows exactly what I need and what is good for me.
Sturrgle ( ;D), you are touching on the most basic questions of tefila.
The purpose of tefila is to bring us close to Hashem. Whenever we ask for something, it is with the understanding that if He does not want it, we will not get it. The purpose of tefila is not to 'get it', it is to make us realize that it comes from Him.
The world has laws of nature that mask the Creator, at the very same time that they show Him. The purpose of tefila is to get past the mask part.
Think of it simply as the first form of hishtadlus. For some big tzadikim, this might be the ONLY form of hishtadlus to make. For us, it is usually not enough. But it is critical for us, to make us realize that our hishtadlus is just that, and that it all comes from Him.
We are not TELLING, we are not NAGGING. We are describing what we would like, and recognizing that He is the one who can give it to us.
Let's add some additional questions:
How does tefila work? Hashem, who is our loving father, surely wishes to give to us what we need. And if he does not give us something, likely He understands that we would not REALLY benefit from it. If so, then what is the point of tefila? To convince Him that we really DO need it? LOL.
Tefila is called avoda, and is in the place of karbanos. But avoda and sacrifices are giving, and tefila seems to be a shopping list of things we are asking for. What type of 'service' is that?
The source for the halachos of tefila comes from Chana (Haftora day 1 RH). Why is a woman the source of tefila?
Why is there a set list of bakashos, why don't we ask for what WE want?
There are different mehalchim, of course, but the one that speaks to me is based on mystical sources. I don't know the sources, I've heard the information from R' Yaakov Hillel, and R' Akiva Tatz.
The answer is that the purpose of tefila is to change
OURSELVES, not Hashem. And there is no better way of changing a person then through what he wants.
You ARE what you want.
Its called your ratzon, and that is the source for all the decisions and actions you take.
So chazal gave us a preset list of bakashos. They want us to ask Hashem for THESE things, because they knew that these things are what we need to perfect our ratzon.
It gets deeper.
The prime benefit of tefila, according to the Nefesh Hachayim, is to ask for these things FOR HASHEM.
We want these things so that we can serve Hashem.
We start shmona esrai as a servant approaching his Master, and saying I'd like to have these things to be able to do my job, for YOU.
I know it sound high, not something for little us. Maybe it isn't. But it IS the ultimate goal, and knowing that may help us do it, at least sometime.
Because THAT is the meaning of
ovodah shebelaiv zu tefila. The service is training ourselves to want to serve Hashem. To want to serve Hashem with daas, with teshuva, with selicha, with geula, with refua, with parnasa, with kibutz galius...etc.
To practice wanting these things so that we can better serve HIM.
This is the sacrifice that we are making. We are giving up our petty, mundane concerns.
Ever watch ants scurry around, busy busy, but only filling their minds with with their little world... to them this is the entire universe. This is all that counts. Well, people that live life day to day, the way many of the world do, are just enlarged ants (this came from R' Quinn, who learned it from R' Shraga Feivel)
We are connecting to Hashem and saying we want to be part of
His ant colony.
A proper tefila helps us get what we are asking for, because it changes US, not HIM. We become worthy of it through tefila.