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Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense
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TOPIC: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 3713 Views

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 26 Aug 2009 14:49 #14322

battleworn wrote on 26 Aug 2009 12:53:

Pintele, weren't R' Pam and R' Elyashiv speaking about acting on signs (like if I find a parking space, it's a sign that I should shop in that store)? Are you sure they were saying that we shouldn't be on the lookout for Hashem's hugs and His answers to our Tefilos?

Yes, they were speaking about signs, and even more vague things like deciding this negative thing happened as a punishment for this and this that I did.

I realized that what bothered me about the two stories was the 'magical' timing... that it rained exactly when, etc.
These types of things are signs. We are not justified to do this today, and perhaps it is assur bichlal. But to daven for something and then sometime later have an inspiration to look exactly where it is... that is wonderful.

That said, I'd better start asking... Will,  don't feel discouraged... lets do this together!

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by TRAPPED.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 26 Aug 2009 19:00 #14351

  • Pintele Yid
kutan shel hachabura wrote on 26 Aug 2009 14:49:

battleworn wrote on 26 Aug 2009 12:53:

Pintele, weren't R' Pam and R' Elyashiv speaking about acting on signs (like if I find a parking space, it's a sign that I should shop in that store)? Are you sure they were saying that we shouldn't be on the lookout for Hashem's hugs and His answers to our Tefilos?

Yes, they were speaking about signs, and even more vague things like deciding this negative thing happened as a punishment for this and this that I did.

I realized that what bothered me about the two stories was the 'magical' timing... that it rained exactly when, etc.
These types of things are signs. We are not justified to do this today, and perhaps it is assur bichlal. But to daven for something and then sometime later have an inspiration to look exactly where it is... that is wonderful.

That said, I'd better start asking... Will,  don't feel discouraged... lets do this together!



Just for the record, I never heard any of them speak about this topic. This was Kutan's comment.

Will - It is also taking me time to implement everything that I was hoping to do but even what I have implemented, has helped me very much. But since you have the Ratzon to implement it, Hashem already sent you a message by resolving your Kasha.

Kutan - You are correct, I probably have to speak to Rabbi Wolfson. But until I have a chance, I will still I"Y"H keep on saying the short Tefilios and hoping tha Hashem asnswers them.

BTW, there were other instances in the last few days when I saw that my Tefilos were answered right away but not as remarkable as the stories I mentioned.

TrYiNG - where are you?

Last Edit: by Mosherabbi.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 26 Aug 2009 19:53 #14366

  • battleworn
Opps I meant to adress that to kuton.
Last Edit: by mrshaitana.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 26 Aug 2009 19:57 #14368

  • Pintele Yid
Hey Tzaddik,

Mutar Lach Mutar Luch Mutar Lach

Last Edit: by embarrassedbutproud.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 26 Aug 2009 22:02 #14413

Davened once today.
But the day is not over yet.

Pintele, please make sure to ask R" Wolfson about the idea of seeing Hashem approves by these 'miraculous' events.

That is the stick point.

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by Upwardandonward.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 00:09 #14426

  • Pintele Yid
I spoke to Rav Wolfson after Mincha today.

He said that there is nothing wrong with thinking that Hashem answers your personal Tefilos because it is true - sometimes Hashem does answer them. It is therefore proper to recognize when you think your Tefilo was answered.

He wasn't sure that the rain started coming down in buckets only after my escape into my house, as a result of my Tefilo I didn't have the guts to ask him why. We know that the Kohen Gadol asked in his Tefilo on Yom Kippur, that the personal Tefilos of the Oivray Derachim shouldn't stop the rainfall.

Kutan - You once wrote in a post that you live in the 11213 area code, which happens to be close to Emunas Yisroel. If possible, can you express to Rav Wolfson your concerns and then let us know what he says? I might not have been a good shliach in describing your concerns.

I just want to add, that irrespective of my "halucinations" ??? as to the effectivness of my short Tefilos, I can tell you that these Tefilos has accomplished my goal of making me much much more aware of Hashem's presence. I still forget plenty on my list, but the ones that I do say, seem to have done the trick. I can't wait till I really get it right. This has strengthed me to the point where my Y"H has BS"D been taking a beating - at least for now. 

This was the objective to begin with, and I am B"H seeing Hatzlacha. I pray that it continues and hope that my brothers and sisters at GYE will find Hatzlacha as well with this approach.

Pintele Yid

Last Edit: by Shffinliffin.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 03:41 #14440

  • Efshar Letaken
  • Current streak: 194 days
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I got a Mazel Tov this morning at the Bris of my son from a guy I do not know or have seen before.

He looked like a guy from Emunas Yisroel.
I'm just wondering out loud if by any chance I was zoche to a Gilu of Reb Pintel or Reb Kutan?


It wouldn't be hard to figure out were the bris was & who I am by anyone following my posts for a while, so I'm just wondering.
Last Edit: by Allformylove14.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 12:40 #14480

I wish I could've be there.
But I'm meshubed to a job, and am out the door by 6:50.

It might have been Elyahu, though. Heard that he looks like someone who davens in Emunas Y.

Yehi ratzon shtizke ll'gadlo l'torah, l'chupa u'limasim tovim!

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by dosizdos.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 12:41 #14481

Pintele Yid wrote on 27 Aug 2009 00:09:

I spoke to Rav Wolfson after Mincha today.

He said that there is nothing wrong with thinking that Hashem answers your personal Tefilos because it is true - sometimes Hashem does answer them. It is therefore proper to recognize when you think your Tefilo was answered.

He wasn't sure that the rain started coming down in buckets only after my escape into my house, as a result of my Tefilo I didn't have the guts to ask him why. We know that the Kohen Gadol asked in his Tefilo on Yom Kippur, that the personal Tefilos of the Oivray Derachim shouldn't stop the rainfall.

thanks for speaking with the Mashgiach. Please, if you can go back and follow up on that point. Everything else, we all agree on anyway. and what you write that you feel closer to Hashem, THAT is the purpose of tefila. At least, that is the way the mekubalim explain it. I've heard this from R Yaakov Hillel, and from R Akiva Tatz (search google : Tatz prayer MP3 for the link). Its to make us realize Hashem is running the show. And, sometimes, that is enough of a zchus for us to takeh receive what we are asking for.

But in our days, it generally will come bhester.

Please, I think it would be better if you followed up with the question.


Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: 27 Aug 2009 12:45 by Enoughsenough43.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 19:54 #14555

  • Pintele Yid
Efshar Letaken wrote on 27 Aug 2009 03:41:

I got a Mazel Tov this morning at the Bris of my son from a guy I do not know or have seen before.

He looked like a guy from Emunas Yisroel.
I'm just wondering out loud if by any chance I was zoche to a Gilu of Reb Pintel or Reb Kutan?


It wouldn't be hard to figure out were the bris was & who I am by anyone following my posts for a while, so I'm just wondering.


Mazal Tov! Tizkeh L'gadloh L'Torah L'Chupa U'lMaasim Toivim. ;D

It .wasn't me, but I wish I could have been there. Sorry I don't know who you are. I will I"Y"H reread your posts for a clue.

Kutan - I feel like I am not capable to speak to Rav Wolfson explaining your view. I am usually nervous when I speak with him and find it hard to think straight. It will be impossible for me to clearly elucidate your position. In this case, Shlucho shel Kutan is not kimoisoi. Please speak to him yourself and let us know.

BTW, I might have gotten nailed today because I might have been too gaavidik with describing my beating the Y"H yesterday. I only slept 4 hours last night. I went to the Mikvah at 4:15 this morning and tried to learn. After 1/2 hour I was tired and couldn't concentrate very well. I put my head down afew minutes before davening and drifted off. Just when we started davening , something came up and I had to leave -only to return by layning. My davening was a disaster.

Gam Zu L'Toiva.

A very humbled,

Pintele Yid

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Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 20:07 #14559

Hey Pintele,
Don't feel bad. One day this week I overslept. Had to rush to work (I open up the place) and daven byechidus.
Another day, I couldn't find my talis/ tefilin. Needed to daven without them and put them on in the evening.
If I'd let these things get me down, I'd be a goner a long time ago.
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by .

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 20:21 #14566

  • Pintele Yid
Thank you Kutan,

Rav Shlom Arush drilled it into my head that deppression = Kefira, so I won't get depressed. Just determined

Pintele Yid

Last Edit: by godslittleprincess.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 20:53 #14571

I get the same feeling when speaking to the mashgiach. But its not nearly as bad as the nervousness I'd feel speaking to Rav Pam ztl.
OK, bli neder I'll talk to him.

by the way, I think mutter Lach is spelled mutter luch.
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by Teshuvah6137.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 27 Aug 2009 21:20 #14578

  • Will
  • Current streak: 2 days
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I haven't been remembering to speak to Hashem often enough. >
This calls for extreme measures (kudos again Nezach). Im going to write "Hi Hashem!" on my hand in permanent marker. Bring on the stares.
Last Edit: by Avisim01.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 28 Aug 2009 01:11 #14598

  • Pintele Yid
Heiliga Will,

Maybe try to do it initially for the first 1/2 hour or hour of the day or any time slot you choose. Then grow from there.

Small steps will I"Y"H soon grow into large steps.

Pintele Yid.
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