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Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense
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TOPIC: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 3746 Views

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 29 Sep 2009 19:48 #20896

What I meant was that I find that things that would not be suggestive before, now are.

But baruch Hashem (and baruch Guard, and Dov and Bardichev and 7up and Uri ... oh dear, I've really got into a fix... all the rest please accept a very bloated etc.) have not slackened a bit.

The main reason I'm avoiding this business of lusting is purely selfish. I'm trying to stick some religious reasons in too, but I'm afraid that the main motivation is gashmius driven...

I have not felt this good in my life!

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by Melech18.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 13:45 #21024

From today's chizuk email, from Duvid Chaim:

The Ramchal is teaching us that the way that the Yetzer knocks us off our lofty platform; especially after a Yom Kippur, is to push us right back in the "real world" with all of its pressures and demands. The phone is ringing, the mail needs to be opened, the emails are piling up - everyone needs our attention and they need it now.  It's no wonder we fall so quickly from our angelic high!  Who's got time to think about how far we've come in the past 40 days? Who's got time to daven the first Shachris on Tuesday at a pace that we enjoyed just the day before?  Who's got time to feel today?  I'M TOO BUSY TO FEEL.  Leave me alone so I can fix the World - after all, it can't survive without me!

And there it is - THE TRAP - Just stay busy!

You can imagine how fortunate I felt getting this message from someone who is practically a stranger and at such an appropriate time.  It didn't come to me for no reason.

So, Chevra, my goal is to know my enemy - the Yetzer Hara - and not let him trap me in his web - to not let him break my Connection with Hashem - to not let him bury myself underneath layers and layers of daily pressures. Instead, I'm going to outsmart him by simply Pausing, yes just pausing as often as possible today, to look around and appreciate the wonders of the world and of my unique and special life.  I'm going to just appreciate all of my blessings; health, livelihood, family and Torah. And by pausing, I'm going to feel... and I'm going to stay connected... connected to family, friends, and most importantly to the Source of all Good.

By asking Hashem for help throughout the day... we can avoid the TRAP!

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by Steve1234567.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 13:52 #21026

  • Sturggle
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youre great, even though you may be small.

i think i might take a break from this for a bit.
right now i can just pray to HKB"H that He
helps me to keep on going and that my feelings will pass and not hold me down
Last Edit: by Shteigen613.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 13:52 #21027

  • Sturggle
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do you know, btw, when we may be expecting Pintele Yid to rejoin us?
Last Edit: by mimo.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 14:27 #21036

  • Nishmas
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Thanks for posting from today's Chizuk email (which I haven't yet gotten to) in the name of Duvid Chaim.

This is just what I needed.

Yasher Koiyach!

Last Edit: by gmmily.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 14:39 #21040

Yup, its just what I needed too...

After YK its tricky. Thats why we need succos, I guess.

Sturggle, your presence is always welcome.

Today. Tomorrow. Whenever.

Pintele is offline completely. No internet.

Kutan does not mind talking to himself. Really. He does it all day.

Kutan, You need to get back to work. Hishtadlus is part of the formula...


Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by vergaebrea99.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 14:40 #21041

  • Sturggle
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:D :D
Last Edit: by proudjew18.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 16:25 #21050

  • yechidah
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I always talk to myself

keeps me sane

even though it may appear otherwise
Last Edit: by Torahshmayim.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 17:00 #21056

I know, Yechida.

I've been eavesdropping a lot on you lately, and picking up all sorts of gems.

Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by Alwaysholdingon.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 30 Sep 2009 17:06 #21058

  • yechidah
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Thank you kutan(Ari)
Last Edit: by lost1.

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 15 Mar 2010 12:49 #58204

  • yechidah
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for newer guests,this thread has some powerful yesodos in it
Last Edit: 15 Mar 2010 14:00 by .

Re: Bilvovi Mishkan Evneh - Bringing Hashem into Your Essense 15 Mar 2010 17:32 #58256

  • Sturggle
  • Current streak: 178 days
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shkoyach for bringing back such a gem of a thread.
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