living as a young unmarried man in this generation is difficult,more than in prior generations.But together with the advice on this website ,tefillah,focus on positive healthy outlets,one can cope with the challenges and even thrive
zera is a very special gift.and if to be used in the way the gift was meant to be used,whether it reproduces itself or not.
Reb Moishe as well as other Poskim talk about certain heteirim on which during intimacy with one's wife ,there are leniencies in regards to not doing any issur if there is zera levatalah during this intimacy.And that is why there is no issur of zera levatolah in regards to relations with a pregnant wife or a wife that can not have children.And in some situation , the mutual needs and connection of a husband and wife leading a normal intimate life will on occasion create a situation when there is "zera levatalah" and yet there is no issur.I am not a Posek,so do your own research,but the bottom line is that all these hetereim are only within the confines of intimacy between husband and wife.That means that Hashem gave zera as a gift of becoming a potential father and as a vehicle towards an intimate relationship between husband and wife.Hashem is telling us that any other use of zera (with of course exceptions made by poskim for health reasons or infertility testing etc etc ) is a misuse of this special gift that Hashem has given us
That does not mean anyone should be insensitive to a bochur (or even married man) who has nisyonos in regards to this.But this knowledge and internalizing of the truth of this gift can help overcome this nisoyon.We can ask Hashem to give us the strength to overcome it and to ask Him to give us the opportunity to use this gift in the way He meant us to use it .With the wife that He gives us,for the dual purpose of having children and of connecting with our own wife , the zivvug Hashem sent us or will send us soon