It says that the yidden were in 49 shaarei tumah/klipah when Hashem took them out of Egypt. The kelpiah was so strong that only Hashem could save them. Chumash Shmos says how Hashem heard their cry, sent Moshe and took the yidden out. In Chasidus it explains what we say in the hagada 'Hashem took us out, not through a malach, not through a shaliach, but only Melech Malchei Hamlachim Hakadosh Baruch Hu', because if a malach or shaliach tried to take the yidden out of Miztrayim they would have been 'caught' by the klipa of Mitzrayim. Therefore only Hashem Himself - not a king, not a king of kings but only The King, King of Kings, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, that for Him the kelpia does not tofes makom (has no significance) and therefore Hashem took the yidden out Himself. It took 49 days, however, to get the yidden ready for matan Torah, they had to work on themselves, ridding themselves of the 49 shaarei tumah, middah by middah until they came to the nun shaarei binah, which is on Shavuos. This consolidated everything that happened on by yitzias mitrayim.
yesh lomar lefi anias daate....Our sickness is like the nun shaarei tumah, that no malach or shliach, or any madrega, not olam haba, not even gan eden haelyon, not even atzilus, not even or ain sof shelifne hatzimtzum can get us out. Only Hashem Himself. And 'who is like Our G-d, to Whom we can always call out?'(Mi CeHashem Elokeinu, Becol Kareinu Alav....a little difficult to translate) we can call out to the very Essence of Hashem, to Atmuso uMahuso, and He will answer us, like He answered the yidden by Mitzrayim, and take us out of our personal golus. But after that, we have to work on ourselves, albeit with Hashem's help, and slowly, slowly, one day at a time, we reach Shavuos, when the yidden and Hashem become married (or bethrothed is more appropriate - it says that marriage happens when Moshiach comes, very speedily in our days amen cen yehi ratzon) and have a yichud amitius.
But lets not forget, after having a geulah pratiis (private redemption) we need a geula clalilis (general redemption) for all clal yisroel, and we need to shout out to Hashem: 'Enough with the golus! we cant stand it! We cant deal with it ourselves! Only YOU alone can save us! Take us out of exile and bring moshiach NOW, like you took me out of my own exile and like you took the yidden out of Mitzrayim! The yidden cant continue suffering like this!' just like we screamed out to Hashem and demanded from Him to save us from our addiction!
As the Baal ha Tanya veShulchan Aruch says 'I dont want your olam haba. I dont want your gan eden hatachton. I dont want your gan eden haelyon. All I want is You Alone'.