Hello Abcd1234,
(what kind of a name is that? Cmon, some character here!!! this is too anonymous!!! or just plain lazy - ok choose a name, 1234abcd.....)
But seriously,
I don't think you should date until you has recovered over 90 days so you are really committed to sobriety. Question you need to ask yourself:
Do you think you can create a household built on Kedusha if you are not sober?
I feel sad that I did not stop even after I got married. you may be deluding yourself if you believe you can have a holy home while seeking out p--- and acting out.
You say you dont have a plan. well heres one:
Your plan should include:
- 90 days of recovery;
- Go to an SA group;
- Find a therapist
- Stay in touch through the GYE blog and get support;
- Discover strategies that work for you (because each person is different) - you can share what works for you but it may not be the same for everyone.
With all the hard work, you will merit to have your Beshert because you are working hard at it.
Fact: This stuff causes a lot of Shalom Bayis problems and women are extremely hurt. Even P is like bringing another being into the house and you will not reap the benefits of true connection with your wife.
To be honest, abcd...whatever, you are EXTREMELY fortunate because you have the million dollar chance to get it right before you marry, unlike myself and many other GYE members here who's wives have suffered, along with the rest of the family.
How so many of us all wish we could turn back the clocks, have had support needed and married Bikedusha UvTahara. But you have the chance and can take our lousy experience to teach you to do it right.
GYE has given us many tools to help us out of this mess. WE have no more excuses !!!!
Its up to you if you have the will to do it. i think finding and Keeping your true bashert is a good enough reason !!
With love and support,