Will wrote on 17 Aug 2009 21:06:
Kedusha, I think you're right. The MeAm Loez is definitely a bit intense on the tochacha part, and I could see it making a person depressed. But do you think the segulah's might help?
If you find that it helps, that's great. I am personally a bit skeptical about many of the Segulos that people believe in.
One example: apparently, there is a Segula for Parnassah to place a key in the dough of the first Challah baked after Pesach. I often wish that some people who engage in this Segulah would consider getting an education, which I believe is a much more realistic "Segulah" for Parnassah (at least for those of us who don't have a knack for business).
It is true that many of these things, it would seem, "can't hurt." But, they
can hurt if they take the place of reasonable Hishtadlus, or proper Tefilah to the Ribono Shel Olam.
I know that we dip the apple in honey on Rosh Hashanah, but these types of Segulos have their source in the Gemarrah ("Simanah Milsah"). Even so, we need to put even these Segulos in their proper perspective. The most logical explanation for them is that they put us in an optimistic frame of mind on the Yom Hadin.