This past Shabbos in shul when the gabbai announced the molad, I remembered that I had once seen in the MeAm Loez a very special segulah...the only problem was that this segulah could only be done when Erev Rosh Chodesh falls on a Thursday. Well imagine my glee when I heard "Yom Chamishi"!!!
In the Parasha of Er and Onan (I think its Vayeishev), the MeAm Loez goes nuts on Hotzaas Zera LeVatala...He goes through the severity of the act, seven or eight segulah's for combating hirhurim and keri, and many different ways of teshuva. Its very worthwhile checking it out (pg. Taf-Reish-Pey-Vav in Beraishis beis).
So here's a quick outline of the "special" segulah (and please excuse the lack of Hebrew font on my computer), Ill follow the text to be said with a transliteration:
"When erev Rosh Chodesh falls on a Thursday, a person should go to the grave of a Tzaddik and uproot a blade of grass that grows there. Before uprooting the grass he should say:
Master Of The Universe! It is revealed and known before you that I am not doing this for the sake of my honor, rather, for Your honor- so that I can serve you in cleanliness, without taivah or bad thoughts, and so that keri should not come forth from me in vain. Therefore, I am uprooting this blade of grass which is made up of the four elements: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. So to, uproot from the essence of my four elements all of the taivah and bad thoughts that exist within- from now and until forever. Amen. And I ask for forgiveness from this Chacham that is buried here -and I stipulate- that in the uprooting of this grass, I did not have the intention of harming his honor, Chas Veshalom. Rather, it is so that I shouldn't be metamei myself through keri or bad thoughts.'
Ribono Shel Olam! Galui, veYaduah lefanecha sheAini oseh zoat leMaan kevodi, ella leMaan kevodecha kedei sheUchal leOvdecha beTahara blee taivah uBlee hirhurim RAim, veShelo yatza mimeni shum zera leVatala. Ulachen, ani oker haEsev hazeh sheHu meArbah yesodot: esh, mayim, ruach, veAfar- Af yeAkro mikerev arbah yesodoti kol taivah veHirhur Ra meAtah veAd olam. Amen. VeAni mevakesh mechila min haChacham hazeh hakavur kan, veAni mefaresh sheBeIkarat haEsev hazeh, aini mitkaven lifgoah biChvodo, Chas VeShalom, ella, shelo itamei beKeri uBeHirhurim RAim'
And afterwards he should uproot the blade of grass with all his might, being careful that the roots should come out with it, wrap the grass in a piece of cloth or linen and then hang it around his neck."
I imagine that if a person would perform this segulah with a broken heart and a real yearning for cleanliness, it would work wonders...Please share your thoughts!
If there is a demand for some more of the segulah's brought down in the MeAm Loez, Ill be happy to post them!