It's the Chazon Ish's shittah against Mussar yeshivos. The avodah itself creates the basis for middos correction.
So in sobriety for an addict, he or she comes to the point where there is no other option but to stop (and not start up again)...though he knows that he
cannot stop! So he stops thinking so much and takes one day at a time, gives the entire struggle to his real G-d by explicitly opening up to other
people about it, and stays sober by a miracle.
As the days go by, this often messy thing called "
life" starts to happen. It starts happening in a more and more real way, too...cuz he is no longer hiding physically and emotionally inside his old fake porn or sex habit (and 'valiant' struggle for 'kedushas bris ham'or'). The sweet distraction is gone! It sucks, doesn't it?
His wife is a pain (and boring), his kids are a pain, everybody is a pain...except maybe the 'hottie' at work....OK, but he knows he does not have the ability to go
there any more, so what to do, what to do....
He remembers the steps and that the guys who seem to be doing well are the ones who
talk about them (though what they say usually makes little sense to him). And he starts to work them by taking direction from others, instead of lust try to '
understand' :

them well enough to start. (finally)
This fellow soon discovers that it is by surviving through real life that he learns how to be a normal person. A normal person deals with real life and does not react to fear, resentment, and desire, by running to his mommy-god of nudes and orgasms. Nor does he react to them by raging or blaming. The steps point the way for addicts to face real life. But those who know operand conditioning theory know about this little thing called "extinction burst". Right before a real change, the 'homesickness' for the good-old (sick) way is
extremely strong. Painful, actually.
But if he reacts to the pain without hope and trust and just goes and has sex with himself (masturbates) or is inappropriately sexual with someone else, he will again slip real life under the rug. There will be no growth and he will remain a seven year old...for now. That's why they call try to call it "
adult entertainment" is a joke, really.
it is the pain of staying sober that makes the growth have to happen. One little step forward at a time that adds up to shockingly major changes. We are surprised by how we have changed. Then by how much we are still the same. Nu. KOT, right?