So nice to read this thread, and even to read the threadmeister's admission of his feelings and thoughts openly here.
I have one question for you, tryingsohard (wow, I asked you another question somewhere else, too! Funny, cuz I rarely do this):
Yes, or no - do you believe that your G-d loves you? He knows everything you have ever done or felt, wanted to do, and lied or hided about. He was watching you steal looks at porn, and if you ever masturbated, he was watching you do that and giving you the ability to do it, enjoy it, hate it, and need it yet again, fight it, whatever. All of it, He is part of. And all the sweet, good stuff you ever did and will ever do. He even knows everything you will do in the rest of your life (ad meyah v'esrim shonim tovim!), even if some of it c"v may be yet more dirty sex-related desperate chases.
Given that, do you believe that your G-d loves you, or not?
This is important. I am not asking you whether you believe that you should believe that He is in love with you, nor whether you believe that the Torah says that He is in love with you. I am asking only for the facts - the truth. Do you, or don't you.
No confrontation intended by me, and I am not trying to 'prove' anything - and no harm done in admitting the truth. But great benefit will be started from admitting it to yourself.