Thanks for your post TryingSoHard. resonates here too - I can only add, that you are DEFINITELY not alone. In fact if you opened a shul for people with similar problems, you could probably get rolling minyanim every 10 minutes, and you'd even have guys with payot. This issue doesn't discriminate. While I haven't fallen since Aug 8, I can't say it's been easy sailing and that my mind has been pure since, but I do know that every time I would fall, not only did it cause despondency, distancing from H", and continued the obsession... but it was also never enough. Once is too many, a thousand is not enough. The illusion and distortion of this "disease" is that I feel that all I need to fix myself today, is to act out, to get that lust-high, and then I'll be complete, I can get past whatever. But that's the illusion. I keep telling myself that every single time and it never works!! I'm "complete" for one moment, and then I return to incompleteness.
Anyhow to your point, not only are you not alone, but you could actually help a lot of your friends if you took off your distorted glasses (i.e. thinking that you are the only person struggling with this among your peer group), and put on the Glasses of Emet. Then you could see that many of your friends probably have similar struggles.