Your name is your solution:
"I Love My Wife."
The images and actresses in the movie are fake. The attraction is fake, it's sheker.
Your wife, whom you love, is REAL, and your relationship is EMES.
What worked for me many a time when i was "triggered" was to start thinking about my own wife, not in a sexual/fantasy way, but in the real way - to list the things I love about her, all the wonderful things she does for me and the children. How she understands us all, runs the home, anticipates our needs, manages the whole thing so i can concentrate on parnose and learning. The many moments of tender closeness, laughter, struggles we have been thru together. The more I think about her good qualities, and ONLY her good qualities, the more I appreciate her as a REAL gift from Hashem, the less room there is for concentrating on outside stimuli.
And the BEST first aid is to then take those thoughts of my wife, and use them as the impetus to do something POSITIVE toward our relationship, right away. WE lust when we are in TAKER mode. We get out of lust by switching to GIVER mode. So without asking I'll do things I know she'll appreciate, from a mid-day call just to say "hello, i'm thinking about you, i love you", to washing the dishes, or folding the laundry, or setting her up with some tea in the lounge chair with her favorite book, while i take over the kids for an hour.
And it's cheaper than flowers, healthier than chocolates, and really makes me feel good giving to her.
Lust? What lust…? I'd rather chose love over lust, any day…