I agree w what you wrote and the way you wrote it 100%, Shivisi. (Two pages up, sorry late)
Unlike the recovery meetings, frum recovery shabbatonim and conferences I attend, we here are faceless on the forum. So you and I never know who is writing: is it a 50 year old man who has been masturbating his head off to porn for 10 years as a bochur and 20+ years as a married guy? Or is the poster 16-18 and struggling with his sexuality as any human of that age
must till he gets a bit settled? You don't know, I don't know, and that leads to a lot of confusion for all of us about how to respond.
A bochur doing this is very different than a married guy. And a newly married guy doing this is much different than a 25year+ married guy. And a guy doing this 5 times a week is different than a guy doing it once a month. And a married guy seeing prostitutes weekly is different than a married guy in an affair - and the affair the bochur is having with his own penis is different than the one he might be having with a woman (or with a guy, for that matter)...and some may be addicts, some may not be addicts at all.
But they frequently post exactly the same way here! ("Oy, I am falling and can't stop my terrible behavior, etc."...relatively meaningless, no?)
I have learned that from a lot of experience in 5+ years here on GYE, speaking with many posters and meeting many, as well.
The simple
truth is a lot different than many are posting.
But it is definitely a great start! Though that's not what I am hee to say in this (another) long post...
But I want to say that 75% at least of the guys here are not addicts at all. That is poshut. Some are addicts (like me). But most are just sinners - few are true addicts, maybe 2 out of 10 here, I would bet. Unfortunately, people who simply have no clue how to help bochurim with the Yetzer Hora just dump the sinners onto 'addiction' and expect recovery to help where they cannot.
I say 'unfortunately', because the velt - rabbomin included - is rarely ready to deal with these issues
honestly. For example: How many shul Rabbis have admitted to the bochurim who come to them that
they too, have masturbated or used porn? Few, to be sure. How would it affect their job security I wonder? But surely most of them have used porn and masturbated themselves. I know many kolel guys and mechanchim who are even addicts like I am (and some who are not in recovery yet, too). Many of them have struggled with the issue a few years in some way themselves. So how many share their OWN solutions and tribulations with the issue? Surely that would help the best! How many actually give the real
gold of their own painful and real experience to these suffering souls? Very few, if any, I bet.
And I do not blame them! Nu. For better or for worse, that is the way it is and will be.
Platitudes are useless, and 'chizzuk' is usually useless, too. They know that. So what usually happens is that whatever chitzoniyus eitzos or chizzuk they give the bochurim fails. And then one of two things happens: either the bochur slips away quietly and shamefully (I have spoken to dozens of exactly such bochurim already), or the rov dumps the kid into 'addiction'. Or the kid comes onto GYE and is told he must be 'an addict'.
But most times he is not. He simply needs help learning how to adjust to his own sexuality. Frum psychologists and skilled rabbonim should be able to help them do that. Rabbonim who openly talk about sex. I know a few.
But there is one thing that comes before the helpful kind of rabbonim or shrinks: PARENTS. Frum parents have a very difficult time talking about sex with their kids when needed. We are too afraid of admitting our normal human failures and struggles to our kids. So they are doomed to reinvent the wheel themselves and suffer through it all, all over again! But of the father would admit to the child that he also had problems because he liked the feeling of masturbating himself and seeing porn - he would be able to tell his child exactly what he did to get better and wean off it, or whatever he did.
That is gold.
But instead, they are getting dumped onto 12 step recovery. And that's too bad. Cuz it will not work for them. For they are really NOT powerless. Only the addicts among them are.
Like myself. I am an addict and powerless to control lust. It has changed the way I live, the way my wife and I relate sexually and enjoy sex, the way I relate to Hashem, myself, and many aspects of my life.
12 step recovery is the gift Hashem gave me that has saved my life. I tried rabbonim, psychologists, getting married, even lots of controlled acting out - all to control this thing...but it kept taking over my life and guided too much of me. I needed miracle. Because I am an addict.
If people have not tried the Torah yet, and have not gotten help from GOOD rabbonim and kosher shrinks, they are sadly shortchanging themselves by pretending they are addicts. Especially pretending to recover behind a
fake name on a
virtual network of 'freinds'. It's play-recovery and play-openness. It may work for a few weeks or months, but for the real addicts it probably wont do much more. There may be exceptions, but I bet they are few.
GYE has a lot to offer. But may Hashem help us not misuse this gift.
BTW, Hashem obviously demonstrated His tremendous love for me by creating SA out of the addicts (goyim and Jews) who sufferred with compulsive porn use, masturbation (sex with self) and other forms of sexual acting out...and He created that for me WHILE I WAS BUSY DESPERATELY MASTURBATING MYSELF ON MY BATHROOM FLOOR TO THE IMAGES OF THE SWEET PORN I WORSHIPED OVER AND OVER, AND OVER.
The yeshiva bochur in me was so busy desperately trying to figure out what kind of gehinom I deserved for it, whether looking at naked p'nuyos who were goyim is only a d'rabonnon maybe, or how much sperm was a shiur for zera levatola, or exactly what the ten kapitlach are and how many times to dip in the mikvah....while Hashem was busying Himself with creating SA out of real masturbating people who got sober, so that I would have a place to go and get the real help that a true addict needs.
He was busier
helping me than thinking about whether I was a sinner or not or schar v'onesh.
But guys here are way too busy
philosophizing about halocha and hashkofa to actually do the work to get better. I did that for about 15 years.
For a
true addict, the entire subject of sin/Teshuvah/not-sin/whatever
is nothing but a distraction.