ooh, soothing to my soul.
BB, we say that SA is a spiritual program, and that it is not really yesod which is pagum, but actually the GIMEL RISHONOS. That's why except for step one, all the rest work on the mochin.
The explanation for this is simple-the mochin are mashpia onto the middos, like we know from 2nd perek of tanya, etc.
so if we can fix the mochin, then ima ilaah will be molid healthy banim, and yesod will be nistakein. if we only work on yesod wothout the mochin, it does nothing. Hence, we need to work the steps/therapy/torah tshuva, anything and all to fix those mochin.
deeper, chachmah and binah are supposed to be the train rayin dilo misparshin, always in yichud.
Well, for the addict, there is actually no yichud between them, for if there were, they would be molid daas and they wouldnt be lusting, would they?...
well, even in sa, or any program, its not merely enough to try putting abba and ima back in the same room-we need them to be panim bipanim.
if not, then whether they are panim biachor, achorbiachor, or even if their eyes are not yet meeting, then the mochin will not properly be bizivug and work together like they need to.
if my chachmah and binah are not really bizivug,just like i want my wife and i to have real harmony, real shalom bayis, then the chachmah will have alot of nice info inside him, but his binah will do dofferently than the chachmah, her baal; his chachmah will have no giluy, so all the vorts and books will not help him. if the wife, ima is not lined up with chachmah, then binah will do things without the consent of chachmah, and with her lack of chachmah, this is a bad matzav. binah without chachmah is like a loaded gun in the hands of a baby. mibinah dinin misarin, so we want those dinim to be kadosh, but without chachmah, these dinim will be gvuros dimisaavusa, and THAT is where the resentment, defiance, anger of the addict comes from.
true, the sefer hachinuch says that the middos are also mashpia on the mochin-right? he says that the livavos are nimshach after the peulos. but this is not the ideal way to live. this is a low level. the word melech stands for moach lev kaved. the moach is the melech and thats how it should be.
but someone who's led by his lev is lemech, an idiot.
well, addicts are idiots, arent they...their mochin are all but completely destroyed, so we actually have to rebuild with the lev first, without mochin.
so for this we do step one-we learn about yesod and work on stopping the shmutz without any invovlement from the brains. dont think, just stop.
that works, but only so far.....because if we only build yesod, it will not keep us sober. why? because at the end of the day yesod needs some food from ima illah or else he will be yavesh.
this is why we work step two, kinegged the ain sof, kesser and chachmah. and from there we move onto step three which is hod. we do step four which is a mega binah builder.
and so on.
so once we use the 7 tachtonim to get 1% normal and sane, we need to keep going now via the mochin to rebuild them and let them nurture the 7 tachtonim.
the lessons from this:
first, get clean and do a real step one. or else a person has no chance. he is tohu vivohu.
next, build those mochin. steps two and on.
being sober today without changing the way i live will NOT last/ yesod without mochin. in fact, even yesod will not really be in tikkun. just cuz a guy isnt using his hands to act out does not AT all be near what tiikun yesod means. tikkun hayesod means machshavos tihoros, kdusha, tahara. a full zivug of the chassadim and gvuros of netzach and hod, perfect relationship with God.
working the steps helps keep me sober and build those mochin.
here's where i add my little but huge point-i think there is a certain point in program where the mochin get to where they get and then stop. but our objective is to build them COMPLETELY, right? so we should do anthing that confuses or jeopardizes program, no sir. Program is like an iv. keep it in for now. maybe take it out in ten years after you know that your mochin mamesh reach gadlus. the way they are meant to be.
but i found for myself that there are supernatural ways to build those mochin and make my program go on steroids-that is, with tshuva.
why tshuva? because tshuva is mitakin by binah, right? and my binah is what is ruined from all of my gvuris ditumah, defiance resentment anger hatred. right? so binah is the key player in my recovery.
so when i do tshuva, i am mamtik those dinim bisharsham, and i become free more and more from my illness. how? because the steps are to free me from all this resentment, self reliance....gvuros gvuros gvuros... . So my tshuva, if done in the way that i mean (which i did not share yet) can be mamtik those dinim.
UNLESS I WIPE AWAY THOSE KLIPOS I WILL ALWAYS BE ATTACHED, EVEN IN PROGRAM FOR 50 YEARS, BECAUSE I NEVER WERE MIVARER THOSE KLIPOS. program helps me get stable enough to do some avodas Hashem to cry and do some tshuva. but sa itself doesnt wipe away much. it just gives me this daily reprieve.
well, i dont want only a daily reprieve- that's just mochin dikatnus, big deal. where does it get me if i can keep going further?.... .
of course, its better to settle for katnus then shviras keilim, i agree.
but can we think about asking our trusted kabbalistic tzaddik advisor if it is possible to go further and not just refrain from acting on these klipos but actually destroying them?
i spoke to a famous rav in j-lem last week, who read the big book and is somewhat in the know of addiction. no, he's no addict himself, but he's very in the know. he makes referrals to GYE SA and more all to often. so he told me that the steps are certainly inl ine with the sefiros nad that the extra steps i propose are logical in the tahalich of recovery. and a mikkubal who can see the kdusha side has seen in his way of seeing that this is right. in fact, he was the one that explained it to me.
i have found from personal experience that this is really helping my recovery.
when addicts try do tshuva and it doesnt keep them sober, thats pashut. they never were even clean enough and sane to stand a chance. and tshuva doesnt help too much for a guy with schitzofrenia, or out of control intake of lust and tumah. for the twenty words of kdusha he utters in his tshuva, he pumps into the 3 livushim ten thousand liters of tumah. he is progressively moving into mitzulos yam, so the tshuva wont clean more than 000.1 percent of that lachem tamey.
further, i doubt a non clean addict can do tshuva-because he has not yet worked the initial steps to establish any connection with God. when he does tshuva, he probably is just imposing upon god to help him, like it says in the 12 and 12, step two.
further, it says that Hashem finds the gvaah lev, the haughty one, a toeeva, and his tfillos are meeuss to Hashem, see gmara in sotah, orchos tzaddikim, etc. So this addict suddenly needs God and God isnt listening, so it wont get him NOWHERE.
tshuva is tashuv-hey, the shechina.
we cant do any tshuva before we first are mimaate our size and be makir mikomeinu. thats the first step of tshuva-to knock down the pessel of gaavh that we made of ourselves with our self intellect, reliance, will, etc.
but ONCE WE get a bit past this point, i found that i can begin to do a little tshuva. and that i see great things from it-very slowly, but progressively.
and when my binah is built up completely from the steps, therapy, torah, tshuva-all of them- then a person can be finally on the OTHER side-the sitra yimina, and not just stuck always in the mire of countering the tumah on a daily basis, but actually turning tha mar into masok, like it says in tanya and tha hakdama to zohar bireishis.
if the 12 and 12 says these steps are suggestions, and it is based on experience, and in step two it says to be open minded, so lets be a little open minded to this too.just to ponder these words. thats all.
maybe it wont work for you. maybe it wont really work anymore for me. but i want to contribute this at least for inspection.
and the last word-if your sobriety and gaavah is not stable enough to take your eyes off program for even a moment, then dont waste time doing anything i said here.
what i wrote here is physical therapy, to teahc the car accident victim to walk and run again. but if you reading this, bikul asar viasar, is still in the icu in the hospital, on respirators, then dont ever dare gettingo out of the lung machine just yet, because you can really lose everything, and even your life, God forbid, and hit bottom bihay alma and bialma diassi.
even i am taking a risk by doing this myself-because i am taking at least 1% focus off of program. but thats my decision. but me, my chachmah and binah are certainly not yet panim bipanim either, so dont follow my example.
but like space exploration, lets push the envelope if we can afford it, and see where can we go next.
Hashem should help us make the right choices, and if we work on lowering our ego and looking to God, he WILL show us more and more of the way to tshuva, may this be his will and what we do. amen