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A little pre- Shavuos mussar (and for the whole year)
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TOPIC: A little pre- Shavuos mussar (and for the whole year) 764 Views

A little pre- Shavuos mussar (and for the whole year) 07 Jun 2011 15:18 #108306

  • Lo Sasuru
I was once told (from Yoma 35) that after 120 years they will ask you, "Why didn't you learn Torah?"
And you will say, "I had a terrible Y"H and I spent all my time fighting it."
They will ask you, "Did you have a greater Y"H then Yosef Hatzadik?! And he still learnt Torah!"

And the rest is quoted from Daf Notes. I put certain parts in bold. http://dafnotes.blogspot.com/2006/07/yoma-35-yosef-hatzadik.html

Yoma 35 Yosef Hatzadik
The Gemora states that Hillel obligates the poor people to learn torah, Rebbe Elozar obligates the rich and Yosef Hatzadik obligates the reshoim(-inserted-Not actual reshoim as Yosef Hatzadik did overcome his Y"H-) for each one of them had an excuse and didn't use it. The question is asked - while it is true that Yosef conquered his evil inclination, where do we find that Yosef learned Torah? Rav Meir Bergman answers according to the words of the Mesillas Yesharim - the only cure to combat the yetzer hora is Torah and since we find that Yosef was victorious in his battle, he obviously learned Torah.

I once said this over on a Shabbos morning drasha and someone asked me from the words of Chazal that reciting krias shema or reminding oneself about the yom hamisah can also inspire one to be victorious over the yetzer hora - not only Torah, and perhaps this is what inspired Yosef?


In the comments section, a reader answered that these methods only work after learning Torah, then krias shema and yom hamisa will have the correct inspirational effect. Rav Meir Bergman was here this morning, so I asked him this question and he gave the same answer. He added that we can explain the Gemora in Menochos with the talmid who saved himself from doing an aveira by looking at his tzitzis was not because of the mitzva itself, rather it was the learning that happened at that time (look at the Gemora there).

He added that this is only true at the time that the yetzer hora has you in his grip already, then Torah is the only antidote, however beforehand, the limmud of mussar will certainly help as is stated in the Gemora Brochos לעולם ירגיז אדם יצר טוב על יצר הרע.

[font=verdana]Interestingly, before I ever saw the piece above I wrote about the effect Tzizus has on me. Most of the times I was Nichshal in HZ"L, I had to take off and hide my tzizus before I was able to fall. They do give me chizuk and helped guard my eyes, but I was still nichshal! Now I see the reason for this!

Another explanation of the Gemarah there (I heard this from Rabbi Wachsman (sp.) from Monsey yesterday), once again from the same site Daf Notes.

Yoma 35 Bittul Torah
The Gemora states that a rasha will be asked why he wasnt busy in learning Torah and his answer will be because he was engrossed in his evil inclination. What kind of excuse is that and why would he even attempt that? Reb Leib Chasman answered that he would rather answer this way and not have to admit to the truth that he was not busy in learning. Wow!

[font=verdana]Sorry, I am not so experienced at commenting and bringing out points from sources. But I believe that every Yid here is will see (no need to even "find" as the lessons are popping out) relevant in this Gemarah!

Sorry for also coming out so strong, but please take it as a Musar Haschil. I don't mean to put any Yid down or lessen their battle with the Y"H, But personally I find this to resonate with myself. I always shrug off learning Torah because of my own fight with the Y"H. But I am an idiot! I believe going through this battle with out learning is like someone who enlists in the army and goes through training for years. He learns the ins and outs of all his equipment and how to use them in his battle. But when he sent to fight he forgets all his equipment!!! I might survive for a few hours but when a hard Nisoyan will come my way I will DIE Without learning torah!!!

Have a Great and meaning full Matan Torah, and a great Yom Tov!

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Last Edit: 05 Jun 2015 10:26 by cordnoy.

Re: A little pre- Shavuos mussar (and for the whole year) 05 Jun 2015 10:26 #256144

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