Maybe this will help people join in: It is from the GYE Handbook.
To succeed in this struggle, it is important for us to get fresh perspective and Chizuk each day. Chazal say that the Yetzer Hara renews his attack on us every day. He plays real nasty, and will use every trick in the book (and not in the book) to get us to fall. To counter this, we need new Chizuk and tips all the time. There is so much material on our website, but it's often overwhelming and not practically within reach when we need it most. Our network provides a daily Chizuk e-mail with antidotes, tips, articles, and quotes from the holy texts, therapists, and fellow strugglers, to help us break free of this addiction. We have thousands of members signed up already, and for many people it is literally their lifeline.
So sign up today and make sure to read each day's Chizuk e-mail. The Yetzer Hara will do his best to get us to ignore the e-mails after a while, but if we are determined to break free - we must make sure to read and internalize their messages every day. Like drops of water on Rabbi Akiva's rock, a little Chizuk every day can make a very strong impression over time.
Our website has many different categories, such as Tips, Stories, Personal Victories, Quotes, Testimonials, Torah Thoughts and more, which are updated almost every day. There are also RSS feeds where we can get each new post straight to our Readers without even having to visit the website. With all these great tools, we will never stop learning new things and getting stronger all the time!
The GYE Forum is also a great source of daily Chizuk. Hundreds of members post daily about their struggles and successes, and they share Chizuk, inspiration and hope between each other. For many, the forum is literally a lifeline of daily Chizuk; keeping strong as a community.
There are also archives of thousands of articles on our website, from the hundreds of previous Chizuk e-mails sent out. But let's not try to bite too much at once. It is better to read less and internalize what we are reading, than to read tons of material and quickly forget it. We need to find a balance that works best for us, where we read a few articles or tips every day; just enough for us to be able to swallow, digest and feel a little stronger today.