The purpose of this thread is to ensure that we spend at least a minimum amount of time each day working towards breaking free from lust.
GYE has so much to offer each of us. After being on the site for a while however, the excitement wears off, and we can forget that there is work to be done.
To join in this group, all you need is to agree to try to spend a minimum amount of time each day breaking free. No long term commitments or kabolos of any sort are required. If you think there is a good chance you can do this for three days straight, feel free to sign up! The actual amount of minutes to commit to is up to you!
What exactly QUALIFIES for REAL WORK toward breaking free varies from person to person. You set your own rules. I know, for example, that for myself, simply mindlessly browsing around GYE does not cut it. That ends up being more of a "leisure time" type of activity. An example of REAL WORK for me might be reading the chizuk emails or going through the handbooks in a systematic fashion.
The yetzer horah makes sure that I forget that I need to do REAL WORK in this area.
Please post to sign up, or any questions or comments. Please keep us updated as to how well you are keeping to your commitment of a daily minimum amount of work on breaking free.
Take a look at this! It's from tool #2 in the handbook.
As we discussed, guarding our eyes is the starting point, middle point, and the final frontier of this
struggle. Even when we have already learned to control the more seriously damaging addictive
behaviors, we may still find that it takes us yet another few years to learn how to fully surrender
our lusting to Hashem and gain complete control over our eyes. So don't get discouraged if you
break free of the inappropriate behaviors but still find it difficult to guard your eyes on the street. It
is a process. But if we stay determined to get our lives and priorities back on track, we will see
progress in this area, slowly but surely. And we must progress. Staying in the same place keeps
us vulnerable to relapse, and if we don't try to move forward a little every day in learning how to
guard our eyes, we will remain susceptible to being drawn back into the harmful addictive
behaviors as well.