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26 Jan 2024 13:00


Why do I want need to stop?

A beautiful question indeed!

I have found that having a clear idea as to my purpose in life, and keeping this in my mind, is quite helpful toward achieving said purpose.

What is the purpose of my life?

To do what HASHEM created me to do.

Now, what indeed did HASHEM create me to do?

I'm sure many of us have many ways of expressing what I believe is essentially the same idea. My phrasing comes from R' Yitzchok Berkovits shlit"a:

   to become a BIG person.

And I know two things for sure:
  • Continuing to use lust to escape from my life will prevent me from being BIG. Ignoring the elephant in the room, trying to get ahead by working on everything but this, is refusing to engage with my reality, and will guarantee I will stay small.
  • The reality of my lust addiction is the biggest way in which I am out of alignment with my values, and hence the central opportunity HASHEM has given me to become BIG. The path toward who I am supposed to be, who I CAN be, leads this way.

Doesn't look like I have a choice.

Taking my life without this issue (and the way I've been looking at it for most of my growth hence) it is purely my optional choice a) which way to grow and b) how hard to work at it. For a laziness-motivated person like me, that's gonna limit how BIG I can be.

But facing up to my reality, acknowledging that I HAVE TO b) completely overcome a) this challenge, unlocks a whole new level of growth. This is so exciting!

Looking forward to trucking with all you guys, 

Good Shabbos 
Category: Introduce Yourself
23 Jan 2024 16:45


Rav Adam,

You are truly an inspiration to all of us! To see you take the path towards purity is very encouraging and exciting. 

Now, regarding your iPhone, I gave mine up years ago after having every phone since the 3G, it changed my life to the better. 1000% 
Its an extra addiction that i dont need. 
But, you gotta be ready for it and make sure you are doing it for the right reasons, I was sure that i cant stay clean with a smartphone, i simply couldnt, i would always find a loophole. Plus the excitment of knowing that I have something in my pocket that could give me that pleasure, that itself kept my fantasy mind up and running, so i got rid of it. 
So you gotta make sure you have enough conviction and reason to do it. 

Regarding Uber, im using a phone called the Qin F30, its a android phone but its modified to be kosher, it has email, uber, waze, i love it. 

Good Luck
Category: Break Free
19 Jan 2024 18:59


Thanks for every1 for showing support

I'm b"h still in the program. felling really good  about my  "שבת בא .." יציאת מצרים i will get with hshem's help @ my 13th holy day out of נ' שערי טומאה !! going out my own מצרים iy"h.
AS the hiliger עטרת צבי from zidichov said once that שבת בא it comes down a אור that even פסח you can not get it!!

@ Captain Thanks for ur support. i downloaded the 2 files will read it iy'h after Shabbos..

@ davidt thanks for the advise!  I would Wish to have a  rebbe that knows how to deal "with addicts" and help me bchla"l in avoidas hshem!! but where can I find someone who knows how to help an an addict?
Category: Introduce Yourself
19 Jan 2024 11:31


Hi, my name is here2grow (for the purposes of this discussion) and I am a lust addict.

I'm finding GYE very helpful for my recovery.

I may say more as time goes on, but for now, I'm saying hi.
Category: Introduce Yourself
18 Jan 2024 17:21


this is my first time I'm trying this... (the following is a real story) 

That guy is so successful in life
He has amazing talent and a special wife
His services are in high demand 
He earns yearly a few hundred grand

I'm such a failure compared to him 
My struggles are so great, while his are so slim
When we see only the surface, life seems so unfair
But you never know, so don't compare

That guy later became the talk of the town
When his name is mentioned, people frown
He struggled silently with addiction and was mentally ill
At one point he attempted himself to kill

His wife is with him no more 
He's not rich, but very poor
Never judge by what you see with your eyes
There is so much more behind the disguise

People are fighting silent battles which we don't know about
Instead of judging, give them the benefit of a doubt 
Thank Hashem for all the good that he on you bestowed  
For he loves you and he's your father so proud 
Category: Introduce Yourself
17 Jan 2024 20:06


yitzchokm wrote on 17 Jan 2024 19:59:
I don't think Cords is God, although he puts it in his signature, but I let him enjoy the driver's seat. I sometimes might disagree with him and I sometimes feel like we may be living in two different worlds but I respect other people's perspective and tend to retract some of my original statement to make place for both. Usually, as was the case here, I really made a mistake.

lets not obsess over it, and get addicted
Category: Introduce Yourself
17 Jan 2024 04:48


cande wrote on 17 Jan 2024 04:37:

cordnoy wrote on 17 Jan 2024 03:07:
Someone who refers to a non-Jew as sub-human won't hear from me again; I'm done with you.

#עם ישראל חי

thats a punishment?

Yes. Without his criticism that set things straight the last time I made a serious mistake, and a kind email that he sent me asking how I was doing after I left the forum because I was addicted to it at the time and then had 3 setbacks, I would not be here today with a long streak. The last thing I want is for Cordnoy to be done with me.
Category: Introduce Yourself
16 Jan 2024 11:11


I should go to Vegas! I just said yesterday that “I wouldn’t be surprised if I got on here tomorrow and said that I had a fall”…. Well sure enough.. I did! 14 days down the toilet? NO, I have now acted out ONCE in 15 days.. That is still a good achievement. 

Not going to beat myself up over this. I was at work, had an employee’s laptop that needed updating and BAM! The YH finally saw an opening and I fell in short order. 

While I have compared this addiction to alcoholism and drug abuse, one stark difference is there is no hangover. I feel good again today. I am ready for the day and it’s going to be a good one. I am seeing the progress that I am making. In the past, I knew that if I fell once, I was giving myself the green light to fall over and over again for the next few days. That is not my mindset now. I fell, I got back up and I’m moving forward. No guilt, No shame.. just another pothole on this road to recovery. 

So a new streak begins.. Today is day one! Let it be a great day, because everyday is precious and a gift from HaShem… I am going to make the most of it!

Have a great day guys!!!
Category: Break Free
15 Jan 2024 17:01

Eish Emes

 I wanted to share shiruim and seforim that mamash changed  my life and outlook specially with my sexual struggles and addiction.

The starting point for me was Rabbi Moshe Weinberger’s Yosef HaTzdaik chabrua https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/850562 . It changed my whole perspective. Of course his other shiruim are amazing too.

Another living changing sefor is Nesivos Shalom. In particular on Sefer shemos. He talk about shirmas habris and his peshat in Galus Mitzrayim is addiction. There’s also a pamphlet just on shavobim that is also amazing. I haven’t checked it out but there’s English translation of Nesivos Shalom.

Both of these brought me to tears many times and I wish I heard them when I was struggling in my teens and 20s.

A really like R’ Joey Rosenfeld. A good place to start is his series “The inner world of addiction” https://www.joeyrosenfeld.com/the-inner-world-of-addiction-watch (also available on Spotify and other podcasts apps). But you can’t go wrong with anything of his.

A more recent discovery is the world of Rabbi Yitzchok Meir Morgenstern. I’m currently learn his Sefer Byom Darchekha Avodah Lmaseh. The section of Teyiva is quite amazing. I love his weekly Divrei Torah.

There are more divrei Torah that have been helpful, but these are the Ikur.

Category: Introduce Yourself
15 Jan 2024 16:17


chaimoigen wrote on 15 Jan 2024 14:28:

true_self wrote on 15 Jan 2024 08:48:

chaimoigen wrote on 14 Jan 2024 20:23:

hechochma wrote on 12 Jan 2024 17:57:
Thank you for those articles!

Lew's definition of addiction is the best I've ever heard.

A close friend who is an excellent and experienced therapist told me he would define it as when the use of whatever substance/drug/behavior is "causing dysfunction". Something to think about, because there's a spectrum.  

That's great for the therapist that needs to know how to work with his or her client.
For the addict, addict-in-denial or doubting addict-non addict, I think that attraction is the way to figure himself out, as Dov writes in the article hechochma linked below (thanks).
If anyone out there is doubting if he's an addict or not (like I did), I suggest (sharing what has helped me) you read some of the AA/SA material and see if it attracts you, if you relate to some (even few) of the points they talk about, it's likely to be helpful for you to join the program.

Friend, I don't really agree, at least with the way you are I understand what you are saying..

I have read a decent amount of AA material over the years (one great book is God of our Understanding by Rabbi Shais Taub). There is tremendous Chochma therein, and I gained a tremendous amount from what I learned and utilized the concepts in my personal battles and growth [obviously that isn't the same as actually working the program]. And it helped me in helping others, in other areas.  I have the greatest respect for the Program. A lot resonated with me. Yet I am BH not an addict, (though I may have a tendency to addictive behaviors, which I mostly successfully avoid BH). The fact that I learned a lot and some of it talked to me isn't a good way to see if I fit the criteria.

I'll explain better how I understand what my-friend-the-wise-therapist said. [At the risk of entering a discussion on this topic, which I know is a sensitive one, and one that I have not studied enough to have a fully developed opinion.]

1. Every time a guy (or gal) eats 3 pieces of cake even though they are on a diet, and says "I know I'll hate myself for this later, but I can't resist", he or she is acting out of a compulsion to follow an urge and against their better higher judgement. Does that define the individual as an addict? I personally would not opt for that definition, though I can only speak for myself. But what if this happens once per day? what about if it happens 3 times per day? What if he or she becomes grossly obese and is suffering from health and other problems as a result?

2. This is where the value of my friend's definition comes in. When such compulsive behavior extends to the intensity and level that t creates dysfunction in his or her life, and he cannot rein it in, that can be a useful definition of an addict who need serious help. This is how I understood his point.

It gets more complicated when you try to use this definition in the context of P&M and other kinds of sexual behaviors, when you factor in Yiddishkeit and people's anguish, guilt, and other internal issues, and how these behaviors are problematic in the context of a marriage.

I am not even going to try.

Here is a link that might be helpful to the discussion, too. (Thank you iwillmanage for sharing it with me.)

guardyoureyes.com/articles/12-step/item/can-a-lukewarm-use-of-the-12-steps-be-helpful-for-someone-who-isn-t-a-real-addict?category_id=538 />

@CO, Thanks for sharing ur Insight.. I have heard the same from a highly experienced therapist who is very familiar with addictions, particularly with P & M.. He agrees that there are those who need SA and it might be very beneficial for those who have no other options left, however, one who struggles with acting out compulsively doesnt mean that he is a definite addict.

I read thru the AA and SA books, and gained a lot, but would not consider myself (yet) an addict, though, I struggle with compulsive acting out
Category: Break Free
15 Jan 2024 14:28


true_self wrote on 15 Jan 2024 08:48:

chaimoigen wrote on 14 Jan 2024 20:23:

hechochma wrote on 12 Jan 2024 17:57:
Thank you for those articles!

Lew's definition of addiction is the best I've ever heard.

A close friend who is an excellent and experienced therapist told me he would define it as when the use of whatever substance/drug/behavior is "causing dysfunction". Something to think about, because there's a spectrum.  

That's great for the therapist that needs to know how to work with his or her client.
For the addict, addict-in-denial or doubting addict-non addict, I think that attraction is the way to figure himself out, as Dov writes in the article hechochma linked below (thanks).
If anyone out there is doubting if he's an addict or not (like I did), I suggest (sharing what has helped me) you read some of the AA/SA material and see if it attracts you, if you relate to some (even few) of the points they talk about, it's likely to be helpful for you to join the program.

Friend, I don't really agree, at least with the way you are I understand what you are saying..

I have read a decent amount of AA material over the years (one great book is God of our Understanding by Rabbi Shais Taub). There is tremendous Chochma therein, and I gained a tremendous amount from what I learned and utilized the concepts in my personal battles and growth [obviously that isn't the same as actually working the program]. And it helped me in helping others, in other areas.  I have the greatest respect for the Program. A lot resonated with me. Yet I am BH not an addict, (though I may have a tendency to addictive behaviors, which I mostly successfully avoid BH). The fact that I learned a lot and some of it talked to me isn't a good way to see if I fit the criteria.

I'll explain better how I understand what my-friend-the-wise-therapist said. [At the risk of entering a discussion on this topic, which I know is a sensitive one, and one that I have not studied enough to have a fully developed opinion.]

1. Every time a guy (or gal) eats 3 pieces of cake even though they are on a diet, and says "I know I'll hate myself for this later, but I can't resist", he or she is acting out of a compulsion to follow an urge and against their better higher judgement. Does that define the individual as an addict? I personally would not opt for that definition, though I can only speak for myself. But what if this happens once per day? what about if it happens 3 times per day? What if he or she becomes grossly obese and is suffering from health and other problems as a result?

2. This is where the value of my friend's definition comes in. When such compulsive behavior extends to the intensity and level that t creates dysfunction in his or her life, and he cannot rein it in, that can be a useful definition of an addict who need serious help. This is how I understood his point.

It gets more complicated when you try to use this definition in the context of P&M and other kinds of sexual behaviors, when you factor in Yiddishkeit and people's anguish, guilt, and other internal issues, and how these behaviors are problematic in the context of a marriage.

I am not even going to try.

Here is a link that might be helpful to the discussion, too. (Thank you iwillmanage for sharing it with me.)

guardyoureyes.com/articles/12-step/item/can-a-lukewarm-use-of-the-12-steps-be-helpful-for-someone-who-isn-t-a-real-addict?category_id=538 />
Category: Break Free
15 Jan 2024 08:48


chaimoigen wrote on 14 Jan 2024 20:23:

hechochma wrote on 12 Jan 2024 17:57:
Thank you for those articles!

Lew's definition of addiction is the best I've ever heard.

A close friend who is an excellent and experienced therapist told me he would define it as when the use of whatever substance/drug/behavior is "causing dysfunction". Something to think about, because there's a spectrum.  

That's great for the therapist that needs to know how to work with his or her client.
For the addict, addict-in-denial or doubting addict-non addict, I think that attraction is the way to figure himself out, as Dov writes in the article hechochma linked below (thanks).
If anyone out there is doubting if he's an addict or not (like I did), I suggest (sharing what has helped me) you read some of the AA/SA material and see if it attracts you, if you relate to some (even few) of the points they talk about, it's likely to be helpful for you to join the program.
Category: Break Free
15 Jan 2024 01:06


14 Jan 2024 20:23


hechochma wrote on 12 Jan 2024 17:57:
Thank you for those articles!

Lew's definition of addiction is the best I've ever heard.

A close friend who is an excellent and experienced therapist told me he would define it as when the use of whatever substance/drug/behavior is "causing dysfunction". Something to think about, because there's a spectrum.  
Category: Break Free
14 Jan 2024 19:46


chaimoigen wrote on 14 Jan 2024 18:59:
With a spirit of humility, care, and respect I would like to share some thoughts on lasting and internal change. 

My hiatus and subsequent extremely hectic couple of weeks has had me take a step back from my involvement here (I even missed the raffle). Catching up a bit, I’ve seen a number of posts that I had a desire to comment on over the past few days, but I decided to instead come here and share my thoughts. Because I only want to talk about myself, and share these as my own thoughts, I guess. Yet these reflections are actually the product of months of thought, and might be somewhat helpful to my friends. Sorry for lengthiness….

There have been posts about the disappointing experience of folks coming on the forums, feeling euphoric about finally breaking free from their problems for a time, and then eventually sadly coming face to face with the hard reality that the internal problem is still there. Alive and unfortunately kicking. There’s been discussion about how hugs and charts and accountability may be good for folks who don’t have a real problem, but are a waste of time if they distract you from taking the step to recognizing that you need meaningful, internal change. 

I don’t really disagree with the concepts. Change that isn’t internalized won’t last. True. We see this truth unfortunately all the time. Yes, you can’t “cure” an addiction with only a dose of optimistic positivity and encouragement. However, I strongly disagree with certain conclusions that could potentially be drawn from these observations. And I’m writing these words to champion the incredible value of these forums, which to my thinking cannot be overstated. 

First, the obvious. You can only take step two after step one. It’s very hard to push the “submit” button the first time, to come out of the shadows and start posting. It’s hard to admit you have a problem, that you need help. It’s terrifying to communicate with others, even behind a blanket of anonymity. The forums provide a critical first step.  And a warm welcome and positivity can encourage a fellow to stick around and learn. To make connections he wouldn’t otherwise make. To recognise the extent of his issues and learn about ways to grow. In this context it’s terrific, and I don’t think anyone disagrees with this. 

Now let’s talk about real and lasting change. Internal change. 

Pretty much everyone who comes here has a problem. I’m not going to get into a discussion about how to define addiction, but y’all would not be here without the fact  that these issues are creating problems in your internal and/or external life. Pretty everyone here has tried to fix their problem on their own, unsuccessfully.

That means that “just stopping” isn’t really one of the options for almost anyone who finds himself on GYE.

And, as with most problems, external changes alone won’t last. Because the problem is usually bigger than the just the symptomatic behavior. If someone has been using P&M to fill a deep aching need for years, against his better intellectual judgement, it’s unlikely that merely talking to people about how he really wants to stop will make real changes in his life. 

But here’s the thing. In all areas of life, real change is hard. Therapists all over charge a fortune to insert their sometimes-grubby fingers deep inside, and grope around in the aching psyche of confused and searching Neshamos everywhere, with varying success. There are diets and self-help books and retreats, life- coaches, and all-knowing experts, everywhere, each promising their own marvelous medicine for true and lasting change. Providing the patient/subject/client “Does The Work”But what does that mean? 

The thing is - a human is a marvelously complex and baffling piece of work, fueled by a cosmic Neshoma, weighed down by childhood upbringing and history, his Yetzerim and personality, and the burdens of unrequited hopes and dreams. Complex situations and relationships. Sheifos, goals, setbacks. And life. People! It ain’t easy to fix em up. 

We are all muddling through, best as we can. That’s the honest truth. And it takes trial and error, and working from the outside to the inside.

Because we have to try. Genuinely. And we have to start with what we can wrap our hands and heads around. Because that’s the way practical people do it. And then make mistakes. And ask questions. And keep trying. And learn new things. And get excited. And get angry. And say really stupid things and sometimes regret them and sometimes not. And try again. And learn something new. And think and feel and try again. Sometimes it penetrates, sometimes it doesn’t. You have to try to use the best tools you can get your hands on, have mentors and friends, learn methods and self-realization. And with Siyata Dishmaya it will sometimes go it, and things will be different. If you keep trying. 

Trying, learning, and trial and error, with openness and honesty. Connection to good people. Willingness to learn from their experiences. And an attempt to grow, step by step.
In my experience outside of GYE- this is the recipe for change. And that’s what these forums are, too. 

I’ve read a lot about the 12 Step Program and have the greatest respect for it. It’s one way that a lot of people have achieved growth and change, if they work the Steps right. Therapy approaches problems differently, and there are different modalities, and a lot of people are helped that way too. If they Do The Work.  And learning valuable truths from mentors and seforim and friends, and working to develop new ways of living until you learn to change your thinking and paradigms, step by step, is a way that people can change, too. If they do the work.  There are other ways.  Yisurim can make or break a man, for example . And more ways. Maybe there are  as many ways to grow, and as few, as there are differences between men, at the bottom of it. Different things are needed by different people with different problems. The main thing, to my thinking and experience, is to keep working. Then you’ll eventually find the key that turns the lock, with Siyata Dishmaya. 

These forums are sacred and special and I love them with all of my heart. (Even at the rare times when people write infuriatingly stupid things). Because they provide tools for genuine change and growth in a way that I haven’t seen before. 

Some of the qualities in these forums are:
The forums are:  A safe place to recognize that your life has become (somewhat) unmanageable. A place to make friends by sharing and caring.  A place to connect with a fellowship of people who actually understand. A place to face up to your own mistakes, to recognize the hurt you’ve done to yourself and others, and to try to learn how to make amends. A place to learn profound and universal truths about yourself, and your life. About why you do stuff. And about Yiddishkeit. About marriage and relationships.

The forums are a repository of reams of pages of culled wisdom. A place to connect to people who have the most valuable commodity of all- life experience.

And maybe most importantly - the forums are place where people receive the gift of opportunity to actually meet with real people, when they get to that stage, which leads to indescribable potential for healing. A lot of the real healing with mentors here takes place offline, without a clear record in the forums (so if you haven’t yet, talk to someone).

All of this and much more are tools for genuine growth and change. But yeah, you gotta do the work.
The tools without the work won’t do it. But don’t blame the tools. 

What works for you? Here’s a good place to find out. There are many resources and things that have worked for people like you. And if what you’re doing doesn’t work, someone might point out to you that it’s time to try something else, and thank Hashem for that. If something’s working for you, share it, because it might help others. But please don’t think there’s only one prescription, or disparage the process that others are muddling through, cause that’s what we humans do. 

Saying “Anyone who was helped by method X obviously never had a real problem, because I had a real problem and it didn’t help me” isn’t only insulting, it’s also illogical and wrong, as anyone who’s read a lot of threads here knows.  Telling someone who is stuck that perhaps they should try something else, and suggesting what worked for you is a bracha and a promise of hope. I’d like to see more of the second. 

May Hashem bless GYE. I have a paper in which I have all the names of the guys I’ve met and many I’ve spoken with., and I daven for you regularly. Took it to Kever Rachel and Kosel too ( I davened for the founders and mods,  though I’ve never met them). Because I love you and hope that we’ll all keep growing together, more and less, each in his own way, with Hashem’s help. 

If you’re still here, thanks for listening 
מאן דבעי חיים

Man, I hate these long well thought out posts that make me actually pay attention!
Thanks CO  for doing all the thinking for me
Category: Introduce Yourself
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