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01 Sep 2008 19:48

Elya K

Tuesday night, September 2nd, our usual counselor will not be on the call because they are attending
Sheva Brochos (mazel tov).  So, to give you a taste of how the
group works, I'm inviting anyone who wants to attend the phone conference to attend.

I have invited a nationally known addiction counselor to participate on the call.  This
counselor will give us an overview of the root causes of this addiction and the different
methods available today to heal and begin recovery.  It will be very informative and
you may even become inspired to join, if you're lucky!

I don't want to give out the phone number publicly, so if you're interested in attending,
reply to this email at yidvre@gmail.com .  There is no charge, it's anonymous and you don't
have to register.  YOu have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.  We will be sharing our
experiences and you can listen in or participate if you wish.  I will give each of you a time limit
depending on how many people are on the call.  :-X
Category: What Works for Me
01 Sep 2008 19:35

Elya K

Dear anonofcourse,

I know you probably are expecting a frum, yeshivish answer to your speaking dilemma.  There is a simple, cheap and guaranteed method to overcoming speaking in public.  I went from being scared to speak in public, a quiet person to someone who loves to speak in public.  I'm still quiet and when I get up to speak, people say, ? never knew you had so much to say."

Answer: TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL.  $18 FOR 6 MONTHS. Is it worth $18 (Chai) to help yourself overcome this fear?   toastmasters.org .

Let me know when you find a meeting near you and join. Remember, the only way to get past fear is to do the very thing you fear.  Whether its speaking or sobriety.  They are actually quite related.  Addiction, shyness, quietness.  That's why the way to heal your addiction is through talking to others about it, even on this forum.

In our phone group, people have been on for a month now and maybe 1 out of 8 people has had a slip.
It's a very powerful method to help you.  You have to willing to take the first step and begin. You won't make a fool of yourself because no one judges you or gives you advice.  You just talk it out, then the next person talks it out.  Problems are solved later privately.  Listening to others is also powerful.
I hope to "see" you on the calls.

Category: Break Free
31 Aug 2008 17:01

Elya K

There is no such thing as failure.  We believe in progress, not perfection.  Every time you are able to overcome the Yetzer Horah, even for one day, one hour, you are on a higher level and when you slip, your slipping is a lesson that you still have midos to work on.  I have fear of success and everytime i get really close to being good for a period of time, or I'm working on a major deal and I'm just about to get it, I'll do something stupid and jeapordize my success. Each time you slip you are on a different level of understanding and this gets you closer to your goal of serenity, freedom and healing.

You feel good, it's after Yom Tov and you're high spiritually, then that voice comes in and says, HEY YOU'RE not supposed to be happy, you need some more exotic excitement in your life and you give in.  We've all done it.

Yes, it's a cunning and baffling addiction.  But doing productive things after work is a good thing, as long as their also have some form of spirituality or give you a sense of accomplishment when you complete them.  It's a lot more difficult when you're single.  That's why I would recommend getting a partner to hold you accountable, a sponsor you can call and just talk every day after work, and when you feel
like acting out.

Keep strong.... you'll make it.

Category: Break Free
31 Aug 2008 14:14

Mevakesh Hashem


First of all, let me say that the fact that you are posting your frustrations on this forum, is a step in the right direction. And, if you are truly committed to kicking this addiction, and taking control of your body, then you will be able to do it!

You wrote: "is that even if im busy, doing something productive, when i settle down to relax, do something perfectly innocent, play music watvr, sometimes, not always, i just slip"

I would like to hear a little more about what you consider to be "productive" because settling down, relaxing and listening to music or whatever, may not be the best way for a struggling Jew to overcome his  Yetzer Hara.

Please elaborate, so we can figure this out together.

Also, you write that" sometimes its after yomtov, i dont know why, sometimes i feel really good, spiritualy, and then boom i throw it all down the drain - litrely! "

Well, this is how the Yetzer Hara works, and everyone on this site can identify with that! Precicely when te Menuval sees that we have grown a bit spiritually, is when he starts up his nasty tricks again and convinces us that we have been so good on Yom Tov, and we deserve a little masturbation to "relax" after working so hard....

its all baloney! you are a lot stronger than that! You dont need to fall for his traps every time.

Please psot some more about your situation, so we can work this out with the help of all the good people here.

Chazak V'Ematz!
Category: Break Free
31 Aug 2008 08:56


It seems most people on this site r married, im not but i would hate to be married and still be completely out of control of my desires- how can i tell when im in control, it seems the only time there was a real test is when i fail. how ironic. anyway here i just want to post a point which is relevent to this thread and which bothers me. That is that even if im busy, doing something productive, when i settle down to relax, do something perfectly innocent, play music watvr, sometimes, not always, i just slip. and after im like, wat the hell was that all about? its a frustrating addiction. sometimes its after yomtov, i dont know why, sometimes i feel really good, spiritualy, and then boom i throw it all down the drain - litrely! alot more to say, but for here thatl be enough.
Category: Break Free
28 Aug 2008 08:23


Mevakesh ,
i've just read these older posts.i respect your ability to walk away from these things .your story has been mechazek me .
i would like to bring up an observation .After going as far as you did i was at first puzzled at how you just walked away from it .you didn't seem to mention outside help, therapy ,support etc.this would be and is completely impossible for me.its only through people being aware of my struggles and being in contact w/ them on  a constant basis that i feel i can finally break this sickness of over 22 years. i know you mentioned that therapy works for some ect.
i know what i'm about to say is not true for everyone.but is it possible that sprecisely because you went so far it was in someway easier to break away? Now i'm not CH'V advocating going further with ones addiction until he's sick of it, b/c it might not ever happen . that's the way of the yetzer .He always finds a way to make it look new and exciting no matter how much you've seen and done.
  but for others that havent gone as far there might be a different battle going on as well as the regular one.that is,whatever levels of tuma i haven't reached and sins i haven't done are really all the same emptyness as this or even worse.many peoplelike myself have for some reason held back from going beyond a certain point in sin .for some it's busha ,family pressure or deeply ingrained beliefs (like "me" who watched porn and never  masturbated which i don't even understand,).but they have to convince themselves that more is not more or better it's less and worse.and that the fantasies they may have of really doing something are horrible nghtmares that they would never ever want .that's why it's so vital for people like that to hear the destruction it causes and where their own behavior can eventually lead .if i could hear some of the down side part as well it would help me a lot.maybe you could post me privately copies of some of what you sent "me".
i want to say again how much i appreciate you sharing this w/ us .it strengthens us and makes us feel understood and hopeful for success. 
Category: What Works for Me
24 Aug 2008 11:19


Dear Niceguy,

I indeed sent you to the feature story because I noticed a few parallels

When did your wife get upset and put you on a white list? Was it recently? Sometimes, these type of things are precisely the incentives we need to make serious changes in our lives. It is a Bracha, and putting you on a white-list was a very important step for your recovery.

You are definitely a candidate for group therapy. The forum is one type of group therapy, but I would suggest possibly joining SLA as well. If you have a problem with that, you may have to get up in middle of the night and join the "Jewish Healing Group" on the phone, 9 PM, U.S hours, every Tuesday I think. Contact yidvre@gmail.com for more info, and see this page. I also think you may be a candidate for psychotherapy, and I sent you some contact info yesterday.

I don't think you are a candidate yet for the shots unless you are not seeing progress in any of the other ways and feel that you may end up doing something that may harm someone else or land you in jail. The problem with the shots is that you don't end up working on yourself and leave the bad stuff there, only closed up. As soon as you're off the shots, the bad stuff comes back. Also, it will reduce intimacy and sex with your wife to zero (although after a half a year or so they can try to reach a "balance" to allow you to still be with your wife).

Before considering the shots, I would try group therapy, psychotherapy, and even possibly SSRI medication, as you saw in the story, especially if anxiety brings about the addictive behaviours. And if you take your recovery seriously, I would go through our "tips" section carefully, trying to implement the tips, slowly but surely, until you are healed. And for chizuk, browse through the hundreds of previous chizuk e-mails we sent out, starting from the first page here.

You have read stories similar to yours, people who have been there and gotten out. You have learned that it's an addiction and that there are clear-cut ways to deal with it. You are a frum Jew, a holy Jew. The time of excuses is over. We are all here for you, to help you and give you support. It's time to make the jump.
Category: Break Free
23 Aug 2008 22:11


thanks for listening, Elya,
yeah, i think i have some things to think about.i never saw my life as lying and hiding so much but thats exactly what it was.maybe thats why i've been wanting to get all this out for so long. i never thought about how the hiding  would affect me.i'm considered by people and have always considered myself a very honest and ethical person.i've thought about the contradiction in myself b/f but never it's effect on me.

that was a fantastic insight ,thank you.
i've also fealt that the pleasure fantasy seeking and masturbation was much more emotional than physical.but i really need to pin down why i feel i need this so much.i consider myself to be a generally happy person,but i do have a lot of anxiety.about making paople happy and them making me happy.2 main times i've noticed i look for this outlet(aside from pure lust drive) are when i feel i have failed in pleasing somone or they've failed in pleasing me.

the hooking up w/ live people thing really worries me.i've recently started trying to make myself look uglier to discourage those thoughts.i read the post about the guy who got his babysitter pregnant and destroyed his life and it really sobered me up.

you're right , i gotta get connected to a group counseling program. but the opening up like i did in the post is going to be murder.i could only do it here b/c its anonymous.
can't this forum be enough?i don't look like the kind of person who would have these problems.i look more like a rebbe than a sex addict.
i've been clean for about a week now but i started officially counting on this past friday. just being connected to the site and forum has given me more strength. i hope the partner and posts will make me even stronger. this is the first time i've thought i can actually kick it for good - with help.

shabbos was good.....but you know sometimes i think there are just too many women in the world. where do they all come from?! : ;D
Category: Break Free
23 Aug 2008 21:19


Dear niceguy,

Hi. I am the webmaster of guardureyes. Before I say anything, I want to thank Elya K for his great answer and say that he is right on target.

Unfortunately, I do not meet with people in person to preserve my anonymity, but you can write me directly at eyes.guard@gmail.com.

For religious therapists in Israel that are trained in addictions, see this page. (Scroll down to the bottom for the Israeli therapists).

For group therapy in Jerusalem, SLAA can be reached at 02-676-9583. Rabbi Avraham J Twerski, expert in addictions, holds highly of such groups - even for religious people.

The first thing you need to know is that the phenomenon you are dealing with is not because you have huge desires and can't seem to be able to deal with them. Rather, you are simply dealing with a strong "addiction". It is important to understand this because, as an addiction, it can be dealt with in many tried and proven ways and methods. Your story parallels so many people's stories as you can see on the story section of our site (you might even find your own story there :-).

There are two prerequisites to being helped.
1) You must truly believe you can be helped (reading the recovery stories on our site can help you with this)
2) You must truly want to be helped (The fact you posted your struggles means you are on the way).

For starters, I want you to do just one thing for me. I want you to read carefully through the feature story on our site. It's a bit long, but I think it's vital - especially for you. After you have done that, write back here on the forum preferably, or by e-mail, and tell me your thoughts. Then we'll see how we can work with you further.

Haba Le'taher, Mesayin Lo. Be ready to give your addiction and disease over to the care of G-d. Be ready to trust G-d that he will care for you as you heal! (See this page for more on getting started).

Category: Break Free
22 Aug 2008 16:32

Elya K

Hi, nice guy.  Thanks for sharing. It takes a lot of guts to expose yourself like that, but it's actually
the first step to getting better.  I relate to everything you've said. I've been addicted all my life and
it got MUCH worse since he Internet about 9 years ago.  Since then, I have been sober for at least 3 years,
slipping occasionally. 

This is not going to go away by itself.  It will never go away.  You have an addiction which is a disease and you
must treat it as such.  It gets progressively worse so its best to stop it now, before you end up doing worse things with live people or even illegal things and end up in prison.  I'm just giving you the facts and experiences of people
I know with this illness.  Eventually the magazines will not be enough and the internet wont be enough, you'll have to have more and more excitement.

The Guard Ur Eyes site has everything you need to educate yourself.  Awareness is the first step to recovery.
This is a spiritual disease of intimacy.. Once I stopped, my relationship with my wife improved 100 fold.  This is not
about sex.  You're just masturbating to cover up and ease the hurt and low self esteem you feel inside.  Am I right or wrong?   Once you stop you begin to explore the root of what is causing this.  Most of the time there is childhood trauma involved.  Finding your parents are looking at this stuff is not exactly normal at 10 years old.
And you've been keeping it a secret from them and your wife for 24 years.  Lots of secrets, hiding, lying doesn't make for a very calm life, does it?

The Guard Ur Eyes moderator also lives in Israel.  Get in touch with him and meet with him.  He has years of sobriety and can help you.  He can tell you if there are groups in Israel.  I know there are counselors in Israel
that specialize in sex addiction.  Find one today. Put a block on your computer, today, if you're really serious about stopping.  This will help tremendously.    Pray to Hashem to help you stop but ALSO thank HIM for all the goodness he has given you.  Children, wife, life itself, no matter how miserable , you're still alive.  Ask yourself before you want to masturbate, "Who Am I?" How Will I feel after I do this? What are the consequences of my actions?

Start here and let me know how you've doing each day.  You can email me privately also.
Category: Break Free
20 Aug 2008 16:31

Elya K

Dear Chasdei Avos,

You did not offend me.  I know very well both sides of the story.  I live in a small
city out of town and my wife and I raised 3 beautiful kids who are all Tznua, married
themselves and are teaching their kids the same. I guess the point goes back to
'Intention" on Baruch's part.  The problem is for me is that sometimes I don't know
if its the Yetzer Horah (my addiction) or the real me. But I'm workin' on that.

Good to have you here.

Category: Break Free
20 Aug 2008 15:51

Mevakesh Hashem


First of all, by virtue of the fact that you came here to tell us all that you are having a low week, it means you are not having as bad a week as the Yetzer Hara is telling you!

I remember, when I used to fall and succumb to my sex addictions, the last thing I would do is admit it!  Not only do you have the courage to admit it, you are doing so in a public forum! 

The Yetzer Hara is mad at you! Do you know why? because before Tisha B'Av you threw him to the dogs, and took control of yourself and became a better yid.

When he is mad, he goes into high gear, and tries to pursuade you that you have fallen, and that there is no  light at the end of the tunnel, and all sorts of bad things. He did such a good job, that you fell for it, and succumbed to his evil convincing.

All that shows is that you are human!

All humans fall. Our job is to remain strong, not to get depressed, and to get up again and continue clibming the ladder to Hashem.

You will fall again, and you will continue getting right back up and thumbing your nose at the lousy Yetzer Hara!

As time goes on, you will find that although you may fall, you will not fall as low as the time before, and thus when you get up and climb, you will climb a little higher than the previous time.

The battle with the yetzer Hara is one we will always be involved in until the day we die.

The key to surviving is NOT to get depressed! NOT  to let the guilt convince you thatyou failed beyond repair!

In fact, the light at the end of the tunnel is there for each and every yid, especially those that are embattled with this horrible addiction to sex/porn/masturbation  yet eventually overcome it!

Menachem, your name  means "Comfort". We are now in the month of comfort, and YOU  will end off this month as a better jew than you started, and be better equipped for the upcoming Elul season.

Your faliures are there for one reason: to learn and grow from them!

We have faith in you Menachem. NEVER give up. Ask hashem for help constatntly and he is right there to hold your hand!
Category: Break Free
19 Aug 2008 20:23

Elya K

Good luck Frum Thinker. You are correct that therapy may be overboard.  How about
a twelve step program?  There is a questionairre you can take in confidence that will
let you know if you are indeed addicted. www.slaafws.org/pamphlets/questions40.pdf

There is also great information on this site to get you on the road to recovery, if you ever need that.
Category: What Works for Me
19 Aug 2008 17:36


Thanks for the replies everyone.

me: If I came across as elitist, I apologize. I personally immediately tune out if something is poorly written, and I know that's not fair. I guess it comes from me feeling more in line with "modern orthodox" than "yeshiva". I know even that is a generalization, and I hope I didn't' offend anyone. For me personally, mussar is much more effective when its professionally delivered.

The truth is that this is a tough battle, and I often don't even feel it's wrong in moderation. I'm sure that's also Yetzer Horah speaking, but when you do something since your teens, it eventually feels relatively okay. (I.e. Nasaa lo k'heter and even k'mitzvah!) I try my best, and I'm taking baby steps (like being on this forum instead of other places!) I'm not quite ready to accept that this is such a horrible addiction as alcoholism or gambling. Just as a little bit of those doesn't indicate a problem, I feel the same about this. Of course, there is certainly an element of deceit, both with myself, and with my spouse (but I still don't consider this really cheating).

Elya K: I think therapy and counseling is way overboard for me personally, but I guess it depends on exactly how addicted one is. At the moment, I don't think I'm a candidate for such intervention.

Thanks for your support -

Category: What Works for Me
19 Aug 2008 14:11

Mevakesh Hashem

Yes, the times when the Yetzer Hara realizes that you are ready for real to give up the evil addiction, that's when he tightens the screws, and convinces you with all sorts of rationalizations that you "simply cannot" give it up. He makes you feel helpless and as if you are a slave to your addiction.

Dont let him win you over again!!

Think about it objectively. Try looking at yourself from an outsider's perspective.

Imagine you were peeking in the window of your room and watching yourself!

What do you see?

You see an otherwise intelligent, caring, mature man sitting staring at a screen at images that arent even real, and were produced by the lowest people alive today.

You see people on the screen doing disgusting things that if your wife would do, you would never respect her ever again, and perhaps even divorce her.

You see yourself getting aroused by this garbage. You see yourself doing things to yourself that will cause you endless pain and suffering in the next world.

You see yourself spilling seed in vain, and creating countless angels of wrath that will haunt you for all eternity.

You see yourself having "imagined pleasure" for 30 seconds, followed by "real guilt" for a lot longer afterwards.

It's pretty horrible and despicable, dont you agree?

But it gets worse...

Now, imagine......

Instead of you at the window watching yourself, it was your wife watching this whole horrible scene unfolding.....or your rebbe...or your best friend....or your children (G-d forbid).....

You would do anything in the world to un-do the fact that these loved ones ever saw you in such a state of evil weakness, and wish you never ever had done it even once!!

The shame of that happening would be unbearable.....

Well, hopefully your loved ones never saw you in a state of masturbation, and hopefully you will never do it again....

BUT....remember....Hashem is ALWAYS at the window (It says about Hashem that he is a "Mashgiach Min Hachalonos"). He saw everything you did. He sees you now. He will see you if you ever do such a vile thing again!

The shame of Hashem seeing you like this, is the most unbearable shame imaginable. The judgement for living in sin like this is indescribable.....

But, Hashem also loves you (more than any of your "loved ones") and has brought you here to this website, amongst people who have struggled with the same issues as you. Hashem is telling you that he is willing to forgive the past, if you repent, and willing togive you the strength to overcome in the future, if you really want to!




Category: Break Free
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