One of the ways to increase motivation is to think about whether our lust related behaviors is an isolated issue or if it actually interferes with many other areas in our life.
With exercises like this, there's a big advantage with doing it on paper rather than just in our head. When done on a paper, we can continue where we left off in case we get interrupted, and it can also be referred to in the future if our motivation level drops.
Note: In SMART recovery, there's a similar simplified tool called Hierarchy of Values. You can check it out here:
. The ideas I mentioned are based on other sources.
If you have a hard time coming up with your values, here's a nice list of options (primarily based on
Acceptance, Achievement, Accomplishment, Admiration, Adventure, Athletic, Art[istic], Authority, Accuracy, Adventure, Ambition, Attractiveness, Autonomy, Beauty, Belonging, Caring, Chinuch, Comfort, Compassion, Compromise, Conscientious, Cooperation, Challenge, Change, Creativity, Commitment, Complexity, Contribution, Courage, Courtesy, Curiosity, Creativity, Diligence, Ecology, Faithfulness , Dependability, Dignity, Duty, Excitement, Faith, Fame, Family, Fitness, Flexibility, Forgiveness, Freedom , Friendship, Fun, Generosity, Genuineness, Good Parent, Genuineness, Gratitude, Growth, Halacha / Hashem’s Will, Health, Helper, Home, Honesty, Hope, Humility, Humor, Imagination, Independence, Industry, Inner Peace, Intelligence, Justice, Knowledge Leader[ship], Loved, Intimacy, Knowledge, Learning, Leisure, Loving, Loyalty, Mastery, Mindfulness, Moderation, Music, Novelty, Money , Monogamy, Non-conformity, Nurturance, Order, Openness, Passion, Perfection, Pleasure, Power, Proud, Protect, Purpose, Patriotism, Popularity, Practicality, Provide, Rationality, Realism, Reputation, Respect, Responsibility, Risk, Role Model, Romance, Safety, Security, Self-Acceptance, Self-Control, Self-Esteem, Service, Sexuality, Success, Solitude, Stability, Strong, Tradition, Wealth, Simplicity, Spirituality, Tolerance, Virtue, Wisdom, World Peace, Yiddishkeit.