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mindfulness is the best way
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TOPIC: mindfulness is the best way 3010 Views

mindfulness is the best way 18 Oct 2017 09:28 #321260

  • wellworthit
  • Junior Boarder
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Hi everyone ive been through a lot in the past 10 years ive been to countless therapists all with different pieces of advice and the thing i felt worked for me the best is a technique called mindfulness/meditatioin it makes you aware of your surrounding and through that you can deal with your urges its a scientifically proven theory its great
p.s. its a good technique just to enjoy life better even without any issues  

Re: mindfulness is the best way 19 Oct 2017 13:04 #321317

  • tzomah
  • Gold Boarder
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any more info on the technique as i heard of it but don't really know how to do it

like a bridge over troubled waters

my stuff

Re: mindfulness is the best way 21 Oct 2017 17:00 #321372

  • wellworthit
  • Junior Boarder
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Let start like this that we all have urges and thoughts that cause us to do terrible things but if we could help ourselves by not getting lost in the urge and thoughts not trying to push it away (that is the worst thing to do it only makes the thought stronger and stronger) but only realizing we have these thoughts and we cant help it that we have these thoughts, and to look at the thoughts and urges from a birds eye view then we wont feel a need to act upon those urges and the thoughts

The point of mindfulness is to be aware of the thoughts and the urges not  to be judgmental about them not to say its bad to have it and try push it away just watch the thought as it crosses your mind realize the sensations in your body, where you feel it what is the intensity of it  

that is the long and short of mindfulness

there is ways of practicing the technique to be good at it that when the issues arise it will be easy to put it into pratice
just a few examples
1 breathing meditation- go to a quiet corner everyday the same time same spot (start of simply 5 min a day and gradually build it up) and just breath in through your nose and let it out through your mouth and be aware whats happening think about the oxygen going in realize your stomach filling up and emptying out just be aware of whats happening
2 i felt it worked for me the best i went to the park and was just being more aware of the noises i hear the sights and colors i saw the feelings i felt from the bench i was sitting on just being more aware

its worth trying
it will help in many areas   

Re: mindfulness is the best way 23 Jan 2020 04:42 #346909

  • colincolin
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 538
  • Karma: 8
Mindfulness can explain self destructive behaviour.

Treat the urge to fall, as an external thought, rather than something that is part of you.

Last Edit: 23 Jan 2020 04:43 by colincolin.
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