PS. The last few days have been horrible for me. My wife and I are feeling pretty far apart (though we talk about that freely together and commiserate); my sleep schedule is wacked-out and I am waking up late for shacharis which is rotten for a chiyuv to do (though I daven with
some kavono when I do get there, and know that Hashem loves me and
wants me in that shul badly still!); my eyeballs have been feeling chained to every pretty woman I notice (thank-G-d my eyes are still functioning so well!) and gently closing my eyes and turning the other way - which usually feels just fine - has been uncomfortable (I am not
used to that. It's usually a passing "oy", a thought about or word to Hashem, and then serenity...); and I have been late for practically
everything (but that's not the end of the least I am not really 'late'! :
). B'kitzur, I feel like I am in a blender.
OK. The pity party is over, there are some chips left and a bit of Woodford for y'all. Care to join me in a post-self-pity, pre-RH tanss? I could really use one now....
Well. It seems that the difference between my life before sobriety and now in recovery all boils down to the parentheses!