I just read your thread and was reminded of some of my activities that I did not include in my story because they weren't milestones...just common occurrence. Buying porn magazines in yeshiva and bein hazmanim, the time I went to a live peep show to see ugly girls (the other guys there were a motley bunch but I completely missed the point - are these the people that I identify with??), masturbating in Central Park and getting poison ivy in the process, etc, etc. I too went for anything with girls. As soon as a guy entered the picture some of the allure was lost (although I often managed to persevere even then). But anything meant anything, no matter how twisted and perverse.
Of course I thought I was all alone. It's good to know that this is not true. That you and many of us here can relate and recover together.
Here's a question for everyone. I hate the fact that reading the thread and writing my response are triggers for me. On the one hand, I'm very happy that I hate it. On the other hand, it shows me how much more I have to do. Will the day come when I can react properly? With disgust and loathing? Without a quickening of my pulse and a strong desire to re-read and mull over every suggestive phrase, imagining all the little details? I have yet to establish an alternate, positive mind set. I know that Hashem is here with me and the more I feel that, the closer I come to the proper perspective. He will help me. But I need to ingrain that somehow in my mind. I need practical ways to FEEL it, not just think it. I'm hoping the Steps will help...can someone further along with them tell me how it progresses? At least how it did for you?