The Never Believer wrote on 07 Jul 2010 19:57:
I have been going back and forth about whether the 12 steps actually work in that a "god" comes and removes your lust or rather whether the 12 steps are just an elaborate method developed in order to distract your mind from what your mind regularly swarms with. im curious to what dov has to say on that.
I just read this thread, I identify with all of it, wow!
I have a similar theory to the 12 steps, I am probably wrong and I don’t want to offend any hardcore 12 steppers and hope Dov won’t shoot me (or be upset). Also, based on the fact that I can’t stay sober for more than two days and haven’t really worked through the steps, I should probably just shut up, but it calms my fears about the Christianity in this whole thing.
Here goes:
Addict act out to run away from real life situations and acting out is our escape from fears and resentments. The solution is to face the challenges of our lives, to face those fears and resentments and not acting out on them. To do that you need trust: trust in life and on a higher madreiga trust in hashem. Once a person has trust, he does not have to run away every time he faces a feeling he doesn’t like or every time he worries about his finances.
The hard part is that practicing hat trust in our daily lives in virtually impossible. For 15 years, I ran to sex and isolation every time I faced the slightest fear, it has become a coping mechanism and a lifeline, it’s impossible to just drop it. That is what makes us powerless, because the fear is much stronger than our willpower.
So, this is where group support comes in. A group where one can openly share their fears, resentments and feelings and get valuable group support is a huge psychological help and weakens the fear, the obsession and the need to act out.
With this theory, all my questions are answered. You can trust JC as much you like, you can trust a lamp post, but as long as you gain trust in life, you can face your fears. It’s not the fact that JC is helping you stay sober by a miracle, it’s YOU that changed by gaining trust in life (and groups support) that keeps you sober.
It’s all psychological!!
Again, sorry if I’m wrong, it just makes me feel better.