Hey Aaron4,
I hope you are doing well. There are several practical things that I do.
1) I make myself a list of priorities and force myself to stick to it. I used to be all over the place. I would start something but would then intentionally distract myself. I would look for something that needs to be done which is less annoying. I messed up on several assignments and therefore decided to start this habit. I don't allow myself to start a new thing until I finish the first thing on my list.
2) When I started to work on this problem, I used to log all my daily activities in detail and would give it to my brother. P & M were logged as "wasting computer time". I was at first embarrassed from myself but eventually my bro really gave it to me (we are really close) and he got on top of it. This only works if you are comfortable with criticism (it can make things worse for some people).
3) I strongly believe that if I get my P & M under control it will help as well. It's not that I spend so much time doing it but it is the lack of self discipline that is so destructive for me. The urge for sex is obviously so much stronger so I'm making a kal vchomer
4) As I wrote above, I read the enneagram once on a flight and I really got hooked. I find it to be extremely accurate and it enables me to catch myself in the act of a typical negative pattern that someone like me is prone to do. Generally speaking my personality type has a problem with dealing directly with issues (for example, will have a very difficult time saying "no").
It explains why etc. and it is so accurate that it is almost scary. I was also able to better understand the needs and insecurities of myself and others because of it.
5) I started using K9s internet block. You can set it to block all internet access for x amount of time. Getting a notice of a new email or checking GYE can be a major distraction.
6) Dov was saying that "Sometimes procrastination and laziness are just avoidance behavior and I discover that I have a problem with Fear, resentment, or some other mishega'as that motivates me to avoid". and this is certainly true. Dov, you were michaven to the enneagram.
These things worked for me. I'm far from perfect and it will probably be my nisayon for life. I always say that even though it is difficult, I have to be thankful that my life is in order, and that it is doable. Many people have nisyonot that are much more difficult and potentially destructive (like jealousy, anger, greed, stinginess etc). We all have our own nisyonot and that is what we are here for (I'm talking to myself).
Anyway, I hope that this helps. If you have any questions or would like to discuss it, don't hesitate to contact me.
Good shabbos.