Breakfreenow wrote on 25 Feb 2020 08:57:
Good morning, Chodesh tov!
Next week i am going to be clean for one year,
I honestly can't believe it and I never thought this was possible.
but thanks to some good people and the 12 step program i am here...
Its been a year and i am still can't do step 4. I live in a place where I don't go to face to face meetings and I cant seem to find the right sponsor, I am a closed fellow, lots of shame... and I just can't see my self opening up and working it..
if there is anyone that is the same (introvert) and has figured it out, I would love to hear.
Thank you
Mazal tov! I can't help you my friend, but if be one responds, I suggest reading people's threads and pm the person or people you think can help you.