The following is a inside scoop about the future plans of GYE!
Taken from
The Lakewood Scoop [quote="Yaakov - GYE Admin (Known to all as: The Heiliger Guard Shlita)]
MARCH 31, 2011 AT 12:32 PM
...... I just want to point out that we recently gave Torah Umesorah full admin access to our website and they are in the process of editing many of the articles, stories and testimonials to remove anything that could bring people to “hirur” or give anyone new ideas. They are also changing the explicit words to cleaner terms. They are doing this because they endorse our program and recommend it to their schools and mechanchim, and they want to make sure that our website will be free of any mich’shol and be a credit to its good name. We are happy that they are doing this for us!
We are also in the process of redoing our website much more professionally now to build the framework to accommodate tens of thousands of Yidden. On the new site, there will be a strong division between “Prevention” (for everyone) and “Treatment” (for those who already stumbled). Users will not be able to access the “Treatment” website without first getting a disclaimer that lets them know that the content is more explicit. (They would have to press that they are over a certain age and that they agree to x,y and z)…
Also, we have already designed the registration system for the new website to include a drop-down where people identify if they are married or not, male or female, ‘addict’ or ’spouse of addict’. Depending on the choices the members make when signing up, there are special “permission” rules in the articles. Those in the other categories of membership will not be able to view the articles that are not appropriate for them to view. Men will not see articles about women, Bochurim won’t see articles that talk about marriage issues, etc…
Once these safeguards are in place, I believe that GYE will be more suited to becoming a fully mainstream organization for all that relates to the areas of Prevention & Treatment of these issues in today’s difficult world.
B’vracha “V’hiskadashtem v’heyisem kedoshim”