Some great lines from "Hashem Help Me"
We need to be aware that experiencing challenges and triggers is normal and to be expected. You can be a great tzaddik and still have tough moments.
We need to accept our bad thoughts. Just laugh them off and get busy with something else.
One of the most important things is to have a very healthy sense of self worth. Don't do anything that compromises it.
Do not be discouraged if you see someone fall after an extended time. There is a world of a difference between one who falls uncontrollably on an almost daily basis, and one who BH has learned self control and remained pure, and a few times a year is faced with an extremely difficult challenge and stumbles.
Even if you are challenged elsewhere, not having a device in your pocket 24/6 - which goes with you into the restroom etc. is a real game changer.
One of the goals is not to panic from the urge, rather to accept it.
The yetzer hara feeds us the big fat lie that we NEED this stuff. Once you really believe that it is not necessary, it will be that much easier to stop.
Stop expecting that you will fall. It is rational to expect to simply stay clean.