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Free self-help support groups in Israel - under the guidance of Reb Shlachter
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TOPIC: Free self-help support groups in Israel - under the guidance of Reb Shlachter 2071 Views

Free self-help support groups in Israel - under the guidance of Reb Shlachter 27 Nov 2009 12:53 #30819

  • the.guard
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1) A female social worker has joined Reb Shraga Shlachter's sexual addiction center recently. She deals with either girls who are addicted or with the wives of addicts. She also deals with the women in regards to the more intimate aspects of therapy between couples.

2) Free self-help support groups will be opening (in Israel) for men and women separately, under the guidance of Reb Shraga Shlachter, for singles as well as for couples - who either they or their spouse, are struggling with problems of control, confidence and trust - which are often expressed through fears, various addictions, compulsive behaviors, obsessions, and/or social isolation.

The groups will be starting around Chanukah Time, and will meet at the French Hill in Jerusalem. The men's group will meet Sunday evenings at 8:15 PM, and the women's group will meet on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 AM. (The groups will also help couples strengthen trust in their marriage, which in turn will help the spouse who is struggling with addiction to find freedom from his/her obsessions).

For details and registration:

Men should contact Uri at anotheryid@gmail.com or at 052-7127899
(leave message if no answer).

Women should contact Rachel at 08-974-4504 or leave a message.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by assessmenttest.

Re: Free self-help support groups in Israel - under the guidance of Reb Shlachte 30 Nov 2009 16:02 #31263

  • jerusalemsexaddict
come on guys!!
lets go!
be brave
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