March 15, 2012
On Thursday night, March 1, 2012, 15 Kallah teachers gathered at a private meeting in Boro Park to discuss ShmirasEiynaim and the effect it is having on SholomBayis within the frum community.
Life Coach, Esther Katz of Memphis, Tennessee was invited to speak to these women about ShmirasEiynaim and how to advise Kallahs on issues of SholomBayis, Her topic was, “I discovered my husband has been looking at inappropriate pictures, what I do now?”
Mrs. Katz and her husband Allan, a certified rehabilitation counselor, have been helping couples on for over four years, to repair their marriages torn asunder by the ravages of sex and love addiction. Mrs. Katz explained the addiction / disease model to the teachers and the need for couples to begin counseling with a certified sex addiction therapist. She went on to explain how wives should set boundaries and not work harder on their husband’s recovery than their husbands are.
Mrs. Katz’s talk received rave reviews, as the teachers group is working on having Mrs. Katz return to speak to more Kallahteachers. Mr. & Mrs. Katz are available to give lectures and workshops on SholomBayis and addictions related to shmiras eiynaim. For more information or to schedule a talk in your area, contact Esther Katz at 901-219-3072.