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Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!!
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TOPIC: Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 1317 Views

Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 24 Feb 2011 14:52 #98386

  • BrazilianJew

I am 18 years old, and fight my yetzer hara approximately 4 years (especially in matters relating to purity and holiness, more specifically about Zera Levatalah). I attended an Orthodox community for years, where I had the opportunity to study and enter the world of Torah.For reasons of Hashgacha Pratit spent a year away, this period had many falls not only on issues like these but even in things that were simple to me. But my faith was not shaken, however, she only grew more and more grows. Beezrat Hashem am having a new opportunity to be part of an Orthodox community ... (This opportunity came to me a few days when I started this new battle)

And I believe this is due to be fighting for my yetzer hara as never could before. Today I am 12 days straight without falling. Ani sameach Meod!!! I believe that some measures were extremely helpful and I'd like to share them with others to Shemirat HaBrit:

- Reciting the Shema Al HaMitah (daily)
- Reciting the Tikkun HaKlali (daily)
{In hebrew: www.breslev.co.il/html/%D7%AA%D7%99%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%9F_%D7%94%D7%9B%D7%9C%D7%9C%D7%99.aspx?id=46&language=hebrew
or in english: www.breslev.co.il/html/tikkun_haklali.aspx?id=46&language=english }
- Pray to Tefillah by Rabbi Aharon Rothe to receive the suffering with love, in Sefer Shomer Emunim (daily)
{Pray it in this book: www.feldheim.com/aneni-special-prayers-for-special-occasions.html}
- In this book to pray Tefilah of children for the parents, and the Chida Segulah to Hatzlacha (daily) {Do not know the English edition, because my edition is in portuguese}
- Fasting at least twice a month for those who can (do not tell anyone that you are fasting, see Sefer peleh Yoets on the subject "Taanit")
- And of course, very Talmud Torah, especially Mussar, Halacha and Chassidus. In addition to seeking always to study the severity of this Averah (daily)
{To this there are some great sites:
- Change the music is not Jewish to Jewish music and Niggunim
{Avraham Fried, Mordechai Ben David, and other artists}
- Don't watch TV
- Another thing that has given me great strength against my yetzer hara is the 90 Day Journey of this site.

I would like to thank HaKadosh Baruch Hu for giving me strength to this that I declared war against all Tumah (impurity): Mamash, Mamash, Todah Rabah Hashem!!!

I hope to share new experiences with everyone.

(Sorry for my English, I use translator)
And remember: Mitzva Guedolah Lihiot BeSimcha!!!
Last Edit: 24 Feb 2011 14:58 by .

Re: Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 24 Feb 2011 15:44 #98394

  • Rising Up
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Bem-vindo BrazilianJew,

Vou tentar traduzir isso de Ingl?s, ent?o vamos ver como vai ser ...

Bem-vindo ? nossa comunidade! Uma vez que voc? chegou, n?o h? como voltar atr?s. Todo mundo aqui s? vai se agarre em voc? e te puxar para cima, subindo, subindo!

Estudos cient?ficos t?m demonstrado que leva 90 dias para mudar de um padr?o de pensamento neural que estava arraigado no c?rebro atrav?s de comportamentos de depend?ncia. Voc? quis aderir ? 90 day chart on-line? Inscreva-se mais aqui .

Certifique-se instalar um filtro forte. Ser? quase imposs?vel livrar-se do presente ao ter todo o lixo dentro de um clique do rato afastado. Veja esta p?gina Para uma boa op??o de filtro, juntamente com instru??es sobre como instalar o melhor - e dar a senha para o nosso “filter Gabbai” … veja esta p?gina por mais 20 (ou menos) filtro id?ias e informa??es ...

Recebemos pedidos de ajuda a cada dia, por e-mail e no f?rum. Tzuras Rabim Chatzi Nechama    E ? por isso que criamos os manuais GYE (links abaixo). Se voc? ler bem, do come?o ao fim, lentamente, e tentar implementar o que voc? l?, voc? vai encontrar as respostas dentro de si para permitir que voc? desligar completamente a sua vida ao redor. Voc? vale a pena.

Al?m disso, junte-se a daily Chizuk e-mail lists para obter novas Chizuk todos os dias, e p?s longe neste f?rum. Voc? vai receber toneladas de di?rias Chizuk e apoio. Esta doen?a n?o pode ser batida s?. Funciona melhor quando voc? sair do isolamento!

GuardYourEyes tamb?m oferece v?rias confer?ncias livres telefonema an?nimo, onde poder? participar de um grupo de outros Frum Yidden juntamente com um promotor experiente. Veja esta p?gina Por quatro op??es diferentes. Nossas confer?ncias est?o acontecendo diariamente, durante toda a semana ... Isso seria um enorme passo na dire??o certa para voc? e te ajudar a aprender a liberdade da depend?ncia. N?o ? s? voc? vai aprender o segredo dos 12 Passos - que ? conhecido por ser o programa mais poderoso do mundo para vencer o v?cio ter ajudado milh?es mundo inteiro, mas se juntar o grupo vai ser uma outra maneira de sair do isolamento e de conex?o com outras pessoas que est?o passando por que voc? ?.

Deixe-me contar um pouco sobre os dois GuardYour Eyes manuais. Deitaram-se a pedra angular e fundamento do nosso trabalho, e eles fazem a nossa rede muito mais eficaz e ?til para as pessoas.

Voc? v?, at? agora, as pessoas muitas vezes se "perdido" quando chegam ao nosso site, sem saber o dicas e t?cnicas para tentar. Por exemplo, um iniciante n?o iria saltar directamente para grupos de terapia ou de 12 etapas, enquanto por outro lado, algu?m cujo v?cio era mais avan?ada n?o seria ajudado pelo dicas padr?o de "fazer cercas" colocando em "filtros", etc ... Por isso, foi essencial para desenvolver um manual que detalha todas as t?cnicas e ferramentas para lidar com esse v?cio de forma progressiva. Agora, com esses manuais, qualquer um pode ler e ver quais as medidas que j? tentou, possa continuar atrav?s do manual, onde os passos se tornam progressivamente mais poderosos e "v?cio-oriented".

E segundo o manual, o chamado "Manual de Atitude", tamb?m pode ajudar algu?m, n?o importa o n?vel de depend?ncia que possam ter. Muitas vezes as pessoas escrevem para n?s dizendo que eles s? tinham conhecido a perspectiva adequada e atitude que n?s tentamos e compartilhamento no rede GuardYourEyes quando eram mais jovens, que nunca teria ca?do em um v?cio em primeiro lugar! Assim esperamos que este manual, muitos v?cios ser?o impedidos.
Os manuais s?o arquivos PDF, criado como eBooks, e eles t?m marcadores e hyperlinks no ?ndice, para torn?-los f?cil de navegar.

Nota: Voc? pode querer imprimi-las para ler longe do computador. Tenha em mente que, se voc? fizer isso, voc? n?o ser? capaz de clicar sobre os links da Web em muitos artigos. Mas voc? pode sempre voltar a eles mais tarde. A verdade ? que, de qualquer forma bom para passar o manual de todo uma vez sem clicking on links, just to get an overview of all the tools available. Once you did that, you can start again from tool #1 and read each tool through more carefully, click the links and study each technique and assess whether you have tried it fully yet or not…
Bot?o direito do mouse nos links abaixo e escolha "Save Link/Target As"  para baixar os manuais em seu computador

1) The GuardYourEyes Handbook

Este Manual detalhes 18 t?cnicas e ferramentas sugeridas, de forma progressiva, come?ando com as abordagens mais b?sicas e fundamentais para lidar com esse v?cio, e continuando para baixo atrav?s de m?todos cada vez mais s?rio e poderoso. Pela primeira vez, podemos avaliar o nosso n?vel de depend?ncia e encontrar as ferramentas adequadas para a nossa situa??o particular. E n?o importa o n?vel de nossa depend?ncia pode ter avan?ado para, seremos capazes de encontrar as ferramentas certas para se libertar deste manual!

2) The GuardYourEyes Attitude

Os detalhes Atitude Handbook 30 princ?pios b?sicos para nos ajudar a manter a atitude correcta e perspectiva sobre esta luta. Aqui est?o alguns exemplos: Compreender que somos contra, o que ? que Hashem quer de n?s, como n?s podemos usar esta luta por um tremendo crescimento, como podemos lidar com maus pensamentos, descobrindo como redirecionar a for?a de nossa alma, a compreens?o de que cada bit conta pouco, aprendendo a se recuperar depois de uma queda, e e assim por diante ...

Pode Hashem ser com voc?!
Last Edit: 24 Feb 2011 15:47 by .

Re: Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 24 Feb 2011 18:05 #98425

  • ZemirosShabbos
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ברוך הבא
עשית דבר מאוד טוב כשבאת למקום הזה
הישאר פה ותקבל ותתן עזרה
אני חושב שיש גם אתר בעברית אם זה נוח לך יותר
בברכת הצלחה בכל הענינים
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 24 Feb 2011 19:49 #98450

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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ZemirosShabbos wrote on 24 Feb 2011 18:05:

ברוך הבא
עשית דבר מאוד טוב כשבאת למקום הזה
הישאר פה ותקבל ותתן עזרה
אני חושב שיש גם אתר בעברית אם זה נוח לך יותר
בברכת הצלחה בכל הענינים

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Re: Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 24 Feb 2011 22:23 #98492

  • Dov
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Fantastico Amigo! So sweet to read your post and wishing you all the best of continued espiranza (that's a good thing, I hope) and hatzlacha.

"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 25 Feb 2011 17:05 #98579

  • BrazilianJew

Last night I almost failed to Shmirat HaBrit, but I remembered that I made the effort to get to that point and everything I believed was more important than any pleasure that act could give me at that moment, Chas VeChalila.

After winning this battle more (Todah Rabah Hashem!!!) I was praying and thanking Hashem for not having fallen, and as an incentive to enter this site myself to see if anyone had read my post. It was when I read the posts filled with love and affection that were posted here.

Since the care of translating the text into my language, as did RisingUp. Or how did ZemirosShabbos encourage me in Lashon HaKodesh (I understand Hebrew well, because I studied for years, but the lack of practice this past year I'm a little too unbalanced to write in Hebrew in the forum of this site, but really appreciate the suggestion, thanks Yosef Hatzadik and Zemiros Shabbos for all.) I also can not forget the words of Dov, who gave me a great thrill.

Right now all you have given me the opportunity to fulfill a great mitzvah: Lihiot BeSimcha!
Todah Rabah LeCulam!!! Also gave me the strength to keep fighting!


(I will continue sharing my experiences with everyone here, and once again: Todah Rabah LeCulam!!!)
Last Edit: 25 Feb 2011 17:17 by .

Re: Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 01 Mar 2011 20:35 #99102

  • BrazilianJew
Today is a sad day for me, two weeks after fighting my Yetzer Hara, I failed. And not once or twice but four times in this day. I admit that what worries me most is that my Teshuva not have as much strength as I reached in my earlier last fall. :'( :'( :'(

I have fallen not just on this point throughout my spiritual growth. A sense of despair and sadness are constantly in my heart, even though it is detrimental to my recovery. Through Shemirat Enaym and have not fallen in Levatala Zera, I had many blessings, of which I fear losing them. Tomorrow I will have an important meeting that will change my life positively in the way of Torah. Do not want to lose it. I hope that if not for zechut, which is by rachmanut that Hashem can help me tomorrow. (Bevakasha Hashem!!!)

On the other hand I am happy to know that I am not content with this state that I am. And I scream with all my strength: ANI ROTZE LIHIOT TZADIK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since my first posting on this forum I have been careless of the barriers that I have made. I watched TV, listened to music is not Jewish ... Now more than ever necessary to stop it ... May Hashem help me!

I'm sorry, I promise Hashem now fighting again, and with more force against anything that keeps me from you.
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Re: Ani Rotze Lihiot HaTzadik!!!! 02 Mar 2011 18:19 #99270

  • ZemirosShabbos
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Winning is staying in the game
if you give up then the case is closed and that is what you don't want to do
this is not going to happen overnight, will take time and effort and unfortunately some rounds of the fight will be lost
but if you stay in the arena and keep on trying, learning from the falls and reaching out for help bezras Hashem you can get there!
every effort that you make is precious in its own right
much continued hatzlocha
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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