I've come to realize something. The reason why I feel like I'm sorely missing out by not being married is not because I 'need' a sexual outlet. While it is true that I have a drive for sex, I can restrain it just like I can other drives that threaten to get in the way of my life goals. The reason why it is not so easy for me to just put it out of mind is because of the way society pushes sex into our faces. In the past, when the Jews were isolated or the non-jews moral, I would see a man walking with his wife and maybe only feel a twinge of jealousy at what I'm missing, or maybe feel nothing at all. But in today's world, our minds are so polluted that every attractive woman on the street brings out these feelings again, and they are much stronger than they should be due to the promiscuity of society. Similar to how no one felt a desire for an ipod or a laptop 500 years ago because there was no such thing, the sex drive was not as powerful because it wasn't abused. Now, every day I feel as if I'm missing out. Internalizing this should help me weaken those feelings of lack.