Ano, Ano, Holy Ano! Your Avodah is shaking the heavens. I mentioned you in today's Chizuk e-mail, you are an inspiration to us all. Getting to the point where it is simply not an option, that is a HUGE milestone.
You are 100% correct in your answer to the Yetzer Hara's latest try. But it's even more than what you wrote. In fact, Chaza"l (Yoma 29a) tell us that a desirous thought for a woman is even worse (in a sense) than committing the illicit act. It destroys our minds. The eyes are the very doorways to our souls!
As far as movies go, they are VERY dangerous for people who struggle with this, and are one of the main cause that people end up failing in the end.
Click here for a great article on movies by Tzvi Fishman. And
click here for a prayer to say before watching movies :-)
I know you need a distraction, but if you HAVE to, let it be only Kosher movies. Someone sent me recently a few movie titles that are basically "kosher" (as Kosher as movies come today, which is still not 100%), for example, "Eagle Eyes" and "The city of Ember" and all the 3D Pixar films like "Everyone's Hero", "Kung Fu" and "Wall-E". See
this page for some more ideas. I know some people that made a Kabbala that they won't watch any movie unless someone looked it over first and tells them it's Kosher. The word "Kosher" with today's movies is a very "relative" word, based on your level of demanding from yourself. But DO set yourself some minimum guidelines. If you feel you need movies and can't be makpid at this stage 100%, at least make a guideline that (the person you ask verifies for you that) there are no kissing or love scenes.
Be strong Ano. Hashem has taken us 100 miles higher than the actors in these movies. We don't need to connect our holy eyes and minds to their low desires and be like all the millions of goyim. Hashem has uplifted us, let's jump into his arms!