thank you for your post.
For me it's also the people or movies or books, that bring me to question my "method", my life, even myself. :-\
It reminds a bit of the Parsha Yitro. :
Moshe could however recognize in an instant the value of Yitro's advice (maybe I can go as far as to take the IDEA of the golden calf as the counterpoint!?? - Moshe totaly destoryed that idea, baruch Hashem).
From your writting it comes clear, that only through communication with Hashem one can develope the humility to understand not only oneself, but also others and new ideas. Humility to understand what is the desired outcome and what path to take in order to get that outcome.
In one book I learned that people through (heavy) mistakes, suffering and pain come to true understanding (daat). There is no other way, one can not avoid it (in the sense, that you can learn it only through living it). When you think about the parsha Yitro even Moshe was doing it the "wrong" way until someone came and gave him an idea.
Supposedly there is another way, the spiritual way where you can overcome your desires (or "mind obstacles" such as RID - as you put it). I for myself haven't found it yet - as you all know. However, I have learned that living (learning) through mistakes and coming to understanding through living gives better results - lasting results. Therefore I also think, that I don't forget what I truly know (daat - the knowledge that is part of my very being).
Does this make any sense whatsoever.... :o
In any case KEEP TRUCKING ELYAH, you are the MAN!