yesodos12 wrote on 27 Jul 2009 12:14:
I've not fallen yet, but I'm very close to falling.
I am feeling tense and unhappy. What would you guys tell me? Take it one day at a time. Ask God to relax me. Read the handbooks.
I am demotivated, but hanging on....
Heligeh yid,
See Tehillim 38:18,19 (parentheses are a suggested possible "drash teitch" for addicts graciously provided by you and me):
18 -
ki ani l'tzelah nachon: "For I am ready/prepared to slip/fall over" (
I've not fallen yet, but I'm very close to falling
umach'ovi negdi tamid: "and my illness is regularly/always before me" (
I am feeling tense and unhappy, I am demotivated
19 -
ki avoni ageed: "When I relate my avohn/sin" (as long as I speak freely of the things my illness "tells me to do" - avohn=
intentional - this is putting step 1 into
action for the rest of my life)
ed'ag meichatosi: "I will worry/fear from my cheit/mistakes" (then all I will fear is my typical misjudgements - cheit=
mistakes, like
inappropriate shame, hiding, and self-righteousness, because they lead me to end-up lusting. This is the role of steps 4-10 - for the rest of our lives).
In a similar way, the rest of kapitlach #'s 38, 39, and 40 speak to me a great deal. I like to do what Rav Nachman says and darshen/interpret the Tehillim for the chizzuk
I need today. I do not ever mean to imply that Dovid Hamelech was
anything like an addict, chas vesholom.
[BTW, some meforash explains that since "z'donos na'asin shegagos" with teshuva meyir'ah, Dovid Hamelech says "avoni agid", meaning "I'll do viduy: the basic teshuvah", and then there will be no more avonos, only shogegs, hence "ed'ag mai[b]chatos[/b]i"]