truth11 wrote on 15 Aug 2010 22:56:
I just hate so much that I have this illness. I already have anxiety, depression, stomach issues oyyy why so many struggles? I feel it to be impossible sometimes. Especially after a fall.
Knowing you have an illness, in a way, is a blessing. You can finally treat this for what it is, and get the help you need.
As long as I thought I was just dealing with a strong yeitzer hara, as long as I believed that a little more Yirat Shamayim and Mussar learning would cure me, I wasn't getting anywhere.
Now, in the past year I have fallen as many times as I used to fall in a month. But, more importantly, my mind is in a completely different place. Ironlically, because I accepted that I am addicted to lust, I am no longer obsessed with it! I have started along a new path, uncovering the underlying issues, and healing my aliments closer to their roots. Lust is merely a symptom.
BTW, do you have your own thread? It would probably be easier for you (and other people) to keep track of your thoughts, and to help you along, if you had your own space for it.
Good luck.
(And, hi to you, too, sturrgle!),