Dear chevre...,
I'm feeling better now than I was earlier today. Well, at least I'm thinking better, B"H.
I wanted to say thank you to some of you for your encouragement...
Cleareyes, Yechida, Habib, Letakain, Trying, (Mom, shhhh...), Pintele (even though you've disappeared...), Bardichev, Rage, Uri and Tomim..., oh, right, and Guard!
And to everyone else as well...
I am not white-knuckling anything. At least I don't think I am. I have and am seriously considering getting involved in the SLAA 12-steps. I am also seeing a therapist.
On Friday, I sat down and cried most of the session. It turns out that I have a lot of negative voices in my head that are speaking to me and the most positive voice I can muster is "I don't want you to feel bad, I want you to feel good, I want to help, but..., hmm..., shucks, I got nothing..." I have what to learn. For now, your positive voices mean so much to me. (They always will, I just hope to join the ranks at some point.) And no, at the end of day 28, I am not free of lust...
Still clean and hoping to stay that way...
this was supposed to be a day of כח...,
didn't really feel that...
well, i am on the other side of it now.