happy thoughts...
i will not fall...
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
i'm still confused if i fell or not. i am leaning towards not.
i had a very vivid dream. i think i woke up only towards the very end and i'm not even sure. i don't remember too well, except that i know i was motzi zera and i was feeling "al hapanim" (that's bad for those of you who are not familiar). it was literally in between sleep and wakefulness, a weird place of consciousness if even that.
i don't know what to think about it.
i was lying in bed, thinking, that's it, i have to go post now that i fell. and im a sponsee for a donation to the forum, which i will mess up and i just got through a few days that were really hard for me and now i fall?!! and i would have to face guard... (you know what i'm referring to). and i just passed my record from my last streak...
i drifted off, back to sleep and had to work on getting myself out of bed. i then realized that it was the perfect move by the y"h. he is going to get me in my sleep and just as the dream is ending, he wakes me up to feel the shame, the down and, of course, why shouldn't i just give in right then? go for another one while fully conscious and enjoy every second of it. don't get up for shacharis. be miserable, so what if you have a lot to do today? no one is waiting on you, you could just stay in bed... cry, cry, cry...
thanks buddy, but NO!!!
i'm going to count this one as a mikreh layla. if anyone else feels otherwise, please say so... this is also not pashut for me, cause i feel like i might be cheating the system... you see, i could go back and forth forever, beating myself no matter w
hich direction i go in..., but, anyway, enough of that..., i'm moving on. i set myself a certain amount of time to be on the forum and then i will go take care of other things that i need to do. yes, chevra, i am still studying..., more exams..., yeah...
so, i got out of bed this morning, went to shacharis, davened so so, but i was there. i even sat myself down to learn some parsha after davening and i had a good breakfast. btw, parshat hashavua is a huge hug from HKB"H. a little scary too...
thank You HKB"H for helping me pick up my feet and move. thank You for giving me this site, so that i can share what i'm feeling and going through and not be alone.