A Yid being well groomed is a walking Kiddush Hashem,
U'michlall hein atta shomea lav.
But investing too much thought into 'looking good' is just plain vain.
I don't know where the border runs, but when me and the Rebbitzens saw that our biggest little Tzaddik was too fussy about his appearance, we didn't send him to Cheder without combing his hair (okay -his payes); rather we told him that we think it's time that he's big enough to comb his own hair, and that he should try to be satisfied with the way it comes out on his first try. From then on -we neither complimented his hair do, nor did we try to help him 'touch it up'. We tried to show him that although it's important to always be 'put together', when you are preoccupied with your looks -you more often wind up frustrated than happy; and Oy V'Avoy to such a shallow happiness.
Well, our Tzaddik'l did just that, and B"H it's been a good couple of weeks (if not a month) since I've had to here the kid whine "
Mommy (accent on the last syllable), Kik Vi S'kikt ois, S'iz nisht arois git!" etc. etc. and I think that he's learned a good lesson on putting things in proportion. When I see him enjoying his reflection a bit too much, I just give him a meaningful wink -and he chaps and gives me a cute smile (anyone know if I can get a decent pair of braces on E-bay?).
Sorry for talking about my kids like a Bubby, but in short -in this area as well as all others -
MODERATION is the key.
Also be in touch with your motivation, and if you find that you're dandying yourself up for all the wrong reasons -don't be a shlump, just change your motivation!
Eved Hashem (wannabe) wrote on 10 Jan 2011 05:13:
So my question to you fellow GYEers is do you think I need to stop grooming myself, and to deliberately go around unkempt, so to get that YH out of the way?
Eved, are you a Novhardoker?