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starting again after 37 days clean
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: starting again after 37 days clean 13453 Views

Re: starting again after 37 days clean 26 Oct 2010 02:26 #81365

  • shteeble
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efsher dee kentst nutzin a bissel yiddish oichet
maybe you can use a little bit of yiddish too!
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 26 Oct 2010 02:50 #81387

thank you ZM and of course worldi can you a bissel (little) yidish too
anyways, the more i speak like this and talk like this i also absorb it, even though sometimes i feel like i say the same thing over again, still i keep absorbing it more.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 26 Oct 2010 05:03 #81400

  • silentbattle
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Wow! Fantastic! Can I make a suggestion, though? As time goes on, there will be more difficult tests - but right now, you have some extra strength, given to you by the fact that you've just started something new, and you have put a lot of commitment into it.

So, use it. Use that extra energy to make plans, to set up a framework for yourself that will help you avoid slips and falls in the future.

WHat are you already doing to make sure you don't fall? What else can you do?
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 26 Oct 2010 14:12 #81418

  • ZemirosShabbos
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HS, Silentbattle has a very good point. to take the determination and drive you have now and squirrel some of it away for the long cold winter by making some concrete plans and mechanisms to protect yourself. very sage advice.
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 27 Oct 2010 01:34 #81562

day 17.
still doing pretty good with my inspiration.
i agree, the only thing is, have any ideas? i would say that id tell my rebbi if i have a fall....but i want to tell my rebbi anyways.
anyone have any ideas?
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 28 Oct 2010 01:18 #81737

day  18. chai. today is life. today is the 3rd day of the mabul (going into the 4th)
silentbattle wrote on 26 Oct 2010 05:03:

Wow! Fantastic! Can I make a suggestion, though? As time goes on, there will be more difficult tests - but right now, you have some extra strength, given to you by the fact that you've just started something new, and you have put a lot of commitment into it.

So, use it. Use that extra energy to make plans, to set up a framework for yourself that will help you avoid slips and falls in the future.

WHat are you already doing to make sure you don't fall? What else can you do?

nothing...does anyone have any ideas?
i think im going to tell my rebbi tommorow (or ASAP) and ask him if i can tell him whenever i have a fall. good? any other ideas?
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 28 Oct 2010 01:21 #81739

  • ZemirosShabbos
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sorry HS, i tried thinking of something but so far nothing. telling your rebbi sounds good. should be liberating and heartening to get that off your chest to a real person.
hatzlocha with that
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 29 Oct 2010 04:29 #81928

hello. day 19.
today i had thoughts of wanting to do something bad but i told myself that i dont want to because its digusting and is not me. i really feel confident, on the other hand i know that being too confident is badd.......so whats the bottom line? keep on pushing ONE day at a TiMe
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 29 Oct 2010 06:10 #81934

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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I'm a big fan of using your imagination. Picture yourself being tempted, and walking away. Do that enough times, and in your mind, walking away becomes the natural response, so when a situation comes up, you have a new script to follow.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 29 Oct 2010 12:06 #81959

how do you imagine yourself being tempted?
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 29 Oct 2010 18:28 #82041

do you just imagine yourself in the situation?

over shabbas im going to try to ask my rebbi. its going to be hard though since its somebody that i know. but im still gona try to push myself to it. good shabbas.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 29 Oct 2010 18:35 #82045

  • shteeble
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it may be easier to talk to your rebbi after couple shots voodford.

or lemonade.

git shabbis.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 29 Oct 2010 19:38 #82058

  • quiet
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I confided in my Rebbe and it was the best thing I did.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 30 Oct 2010 18:36 #82075

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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How did the conversation go? What did you rebbe say?

As far as my imagining, I would imagine myself sitting in front of the computer, and being tempted, and then getting up and walking away. You can adapt that depending on your personal struggle.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 31 Oct 2010 02:03 #82081

today is 21.
to make it a long story short i had to e-mail him, because of privacy:

Do you remember that teffilah that i showed you that dealt with shemiras eynaiyim, shichvas zera levatlah, and all different things relating to lust that i made because i have difficulty with all of them. lately i have been doing a lot better in those areas because of a jewish website specifically made for jewish men who have these addictions, but i still have a lot more work to do. i got advice from the website that i either get my Rav/Rebbe or someone who i would be embarrassed to tell if i had a "fall" and tell them whenever i ch"v have a fall. since you are both my rebbe and someone i would embarrassed to tell if i had a fall, is it ok if whenever i have a fall if i can at least just send you a text telling you that i did.
gut dvach
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