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starting again after 37 days clean
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Scientific studies show that it takes 90 days to break an addictive pattern in the mind. Start your own Log of your journey to 90 days! Post here to update us on your status and to give each other chizuk to stay strong!

TOPIC: starting again after 37 days clean 13454 Views

Re: starting again after 37 days clean 31 Oct 2010 02:32 #82089

  • jewinpain
  • Current streak: 795 days
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HS, keep it up, I'm amazed by the courage u have and u hit right & left, this will get u Iy"h very far in life, no need to be ashamed when it comes to that, just be brave face it head on & hashem will make u win, keep us posted how the rabbi responded
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 31 Oct 2010 03:05 #82095

  • ZemirosShabbos
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i second what JIP said, you are doing great with your courage and determination!

keep up your super work and keep posting, it is a pleasure to hear from you

gut voch
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 31 Oct 2010 03:45 #82104

  • frumfiend
WOW! SUCH GEVURA! I am jealous of your gan eden.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 31 Oct 2010 08:39 #82123

  • shteeble
  • Platinum Boarder
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What can i add?
we're so proud!!
shtarkeh trucking!

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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 31 Oct 2010 18:19 #82154

he said:
whatever helps. I"m very impressed with your commitment to constantlt better yourself. May you have siyata dishmaya in your uphill climb

i still feel nervous (idk what the best word to describe it) that i told him. but im also happy that i told him.
day 22, and if you read it backwords, day 22.
now i know that if i have a fall, i have to tell him.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 31 Oct 2010 19:24 #82164

jewinpain wrote on 31 Oct 2010 02:32:

HS, keep it up, I'm amazed by the courage u have and u hit right & left, this will get u Iy"h very far in life, no need to be ashamed when it comes to that, just be brave face it head on & hashem will make u win, keep us posted how the rabbi responded

courage??? i guess you can call it that. although, when i was sending him the message it took me 10 min to finally click on the send button and i had to let go of the mouse since i have a couple seconds to cancel sending it. but still

ZS great to here from you
world: the yetzer has also been telling me shtarkeh trucking! guess what else he said.....time for a gas break. and guess what i tell him.....my truck runs on lemonade and woodford grown in the land of GYE
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 31 Oct 2010 20:22 #82170

  • shteeble
  • Platinum Boarder
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quote...        .....my truck runs on lemonade and woodford grown in the land of GYE

;D  Hey!  Whatever works!  laemonade woodford, cholenade...
ahbee mir trucked.
as long as we're trucking.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 01 Nov 2010 01:10 #82188

alright guys, i had my teffilen checked (should have been checked during elul but thats a long story) and everything is good...... i got new retuos and now i cant wait till tommorow to wear them (i feel like a bar-mitzvah bachur) and we all know that the shel yad is to combat the desires of the heart and the shel rosh is to combat the fantasies of the mind.....so tommorow when i wear my teffilen....i willl have special kavvana to ask hashem to help me.

world.... i think that cholant would clog the engine....or would it? hmmmmm.... that gets me thinking
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 01 Nov 2010 01:32 #82190

  • ZemirosShabbos
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beautiful, HS!

there is a story, i think with Reb Moshe Kobriner (it's in Toras Avos - Slonim), about an older man who came to him and said that he feels he has nothing left to live for. the Rebbe said to him "it's worth living for 80 years just to put on tefilin one time".

once you are asking for Hashem to help you, why not include all of us here on GYE? it would be a zechus for your own tefila to be accepted as well.

keep on trucking and inspiring me, chazak ve'amatz
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 01 Nov 2010 03:03 #82202

ZS.......thats AVADEH! are you accusing me of not davening for GYE every day????  > ........ welll if you are accusing me i forgive you  ;D
in the bracha of refainu i daven for me and all of te GYE community.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 01 Nov 2010 03:59 #82204

  • ZemirosShabbos
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HS, i apologize. i should have known better for someone of your caliber.
it is great to know that you are davening for me, b'soch shaar chavrei GYE. thank you so much.
sorry, ZS
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 02 Nov 2010 01:32 #82397

day 23.
ZS i wasnt too harsh was i? i was kidding.
does anyone know how to block google book searches?
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 02 Nov 2010 02:41 #82416

  • Yosef Hatzadik
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HashemsSoldier wrote on 01 Nov 2010 01:10:

alright guys, i had my teffilen checked  and everything is good.

Hashem is checking His tefilin also, everything is becoming good over there too.

His tefillin expound on the Greatness of HashemsSoldier & ZemirosShabbos!
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 02 Nov 2010 04:29 #82423

  • ZemirosShabbos
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HS, not at all, avadeh not , no harm done, keep on kidding, it's good for you and keep on trucking, it's a Bardichever minhag

and thanks Yosef Hatzadik for the association of me with HS, it is truly an honor, and if you would kept looking at Hashem's tefilin you would have noticed your name in the Dean's List
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.
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Re: starting again after 37 days clean 02 Nov 2010 11:33 #82452

  • jewinpain
  • Current streak: 795 days
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HS, u doubt ur courage cuz it took u 10 minutes to click the send button, how about it took me 20 years to come out of my shell,u must be kidding, u r very lucky for doing so @ ur age & stage of life u will iy"h start married life with a couple years of sobriety, I'm jealous already
Ur rabbi is gr8, but listen HS, ur rabbi u only tell after u fall , but u tell us b4 u feel like falling this way u never need to tell him how's that:) u know my ear is open for u
Keep up day 24!!!! YEAH
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