So, now that we've reached bein hazmanim again, I have access to this forum once more. I'm taking the opportunity to start a 90-day journey.
[Before I start rambling, can anyone help me? I lost the conformation email to sign up for the tracker, and I can't use the official planner. Is there any way to re-send that email? Thanks in advance.]
This journey is important for me for the following reason: I'm starting to think that my personal twin problems are not as connected as I thought. (Excuse me if I'm being round-about.) One causes the other, to be sure, but not vice versa. (Very round-about.) In which case, it's perhaps closer to an addiction than a strong curiosity than I realised.
So I want to prove to myself that I am my own master, that my "self" is untainted and can become like the big Self... that I want to be what the grand "I" wants me to be because that's my real "self"... that's as close as we can come in this world to the real "I," the Self who is the source of all selfs...
6 days so far. When I can use the tracker I will. I may also post here more.
Shalom lachem achai v're'ai.