I think GYE just saved me from being nichshal!! I dont know what will happen later but for now (one hour at a time) I may be safe! Let me explain. I was going to go somewhere which would be really bad for me but I had made a commitment to read the chizuk email every day. I read it and now have chizuk not to go. Although I want to go (my yetzer harah), I also now that if I go I will be going down hill big time in my ruchnius. My yetzer says, so what you went before you've done that before, whats the big deal. You got up before, so you'll get up tomorrow!
I SAY NO!!!!!! I am not going, and even if tomorrow I have the yetzer to act out at least I know that tonight I did not give in and that is worth something.
Thank you all.
P.S> i