oes anyone know if there is any Koach associated with Rosh Chodesh - and is Av considered a bad time to take on endeavors- to fight the YH with extra strength like this?!
"Though it is not on the same spiritual level as Shabbos or a festival, Rosh Chodesh contains certain elements that are comparable to the festivals. It is distinguished from other days since, as its name implies, it serves as a head for the entire month to come.
In particular, Rosh Chodesh Menachem-Av is associated with the greatest descent, the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash. Within it, however, is also the potential for the highest ascent which will be realized in the Messianic Age, when the fast days will be transformed into days of joy and celebration. Since the descent commemorated on Tishah BeAv is greater than that of any of the other fast days, it is self-understood that, ultimately, the ascent associated with it will also surpass that of the other fasts.
...Since Rosh Chodesh contains all the elements of the month to come, it is an appropriate time to take on resolutions regarding our behavior in the coming days. In particular, Rosh Chodesh Av is distinguished as the yahrzeit of Aharon, the priest. This teaches that we must "be of the students of Aharon" increasing our ahavas Yisrael, our love for our fellow Jews. Also, it is appropriate to make siyyumim during the Nine Days, increase our study of the laws of the construction of the Beis HaMikdash, and add to our gifts to tzedakah."
And is there a Ayin Horah saying the amount of days being clean?
Nope don't think so. There may be "kinat sofrim" but that's a good thing
Hope you have an easy fast!